Check out the really nice profile on Valerie Calhoun from Rocklin CrossFit. Many of you will recognize my buddies Gary Baron and Chad Augustin in the video. Hopefully Chad will swing by CFO in the weeks leading up to the Regionals and you’ll get to see him make up, more about then attack, information pills...Read More
We’re seeing more and more “minimalist'” or “low profile” shoes on the market. These types of shoes are intended to simulate barefoot running, remedy which forces the athlete to strike and stay on the balls of the feet, website and not the heel. Minimalist shoes are excellent shoes for CrossFit for this reason, and because...Read More
This article from the New York Times has caused an uproar in recently, physician claiming that red meat increases mortality rates. Gary Taubes responds. Taubes response is long. So is his book, Good Calories, Bad Calories. But like the book, this is worth reading. It doesn’t question the nutrition, it questions the Science behind...Read More
The 2012 CrossFit Games have come to a close. We had great participation, purchase with 13 athletes participating, along wit some guests. We had men, women and masters competitors. We also had a team, Team CrossFit Oakdale. The scores of the top 3 men and top women went to the team score, and we ended...Read More
CrossFit Oakdale had a busy weekend, ampoule with two events: the Oakdale SOS 5k/1 mile and the culmination of the CrossFit Games Opens. I’ll review the CrossFit Games Open tomorrow. A handful of CrossFit Oakdale athletes took on a 1 mile and 5k run in Oakdale on Saturday. The run was a fundraiser for...Read More
WOW. I want to thank everyone who came out for the Filthy 50 today. Faces new and old kept grinding through the infamous chipper WOD. We all slogged it out together and it was wonderful. Just when you think you might have this “CrossFit Thing” figured out, cure we switch it up. This WOD was...Read More
Friday’s WOD, visit commonly referred to as the “Filthy Fifty” is a CrossFit “chipper”. For the most part, find we train couplets (2 exercises back to back, visit this site repeating) or triplets (same concept, with 3 exercises). Think of a chipper as a series of task, stacked on each other, and you “chip” away...Read More
The final Open WOD has been posted. It’s the same as the final WOD as last year, # 40mg a thruster/pull up ladder. Maybe I’m a CrossFit schill, search but I dig this. We get to compare off last year and nothing, sickness and I mean nothing says CrossFit like thrusters and pull ups. ...Read More
The final WOD of the CrossFit Games Open will be announced tonight. In the last 4 weeks, website like this I’ve identified 3 outstanding resources to break down the WODs: K-Star at MobilityWOD to prep the body, buy more about Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic WOD to become more efficient at the movements and Rudy Nielsen’s Outlaw...Read More
Mentiscular Fortitude from Catalyst Athletics. Reading the beginning of this article made me laugh. I am well aware of the term mental fortitude, medical but I distinctly remember Mick Foley, here aka “Mankind”, aka “Cactus Jack”, aka “Dude Love” of the old WWF coining the term “testicular fortitude”. Mick was the greatest punching bag in...Read More