Links for Everything!

The final WOD of the CrossFit Games Open will be announced tonight.  In the last 4 weeks, website like this I’ve identified 3 outstanding resources to break down the WODs: K-Star at MobilityWOD to prep the body, buy more about Carl Paoli’s Gymnastic WOD to become more efficient at the movements and Rudy Nielsen’s Outlaw CrossFit to break down and strategize the WODs.  I love the Games, not just because I love the competition, but I love the run off of information from the elite guys to us, the regular CrossFit community.  Even a year ago, this type of information was limited to the best athletes.  Now, even a brand new athlete can find great tips to get started in pursuing their fitness.  And if you’re not the kind of person that’s going to watch the videos, I am.  And I’m lucky to be surrounded by other like minded athletes that watch them too, and we’re always building on these concepts.  And we love to share.
Diet Busting Foods You Should Avoid from Yahoo.  This is not a “CrossFit” list, meaning it doesn’t use Paleo or Zone principles, it just highlights high fat, calorie or sodium counts.  But some of the “food” items on the list are funny.  I have, and hopefully will never, eat a P’Zone.  It looks like eating a bag of greasy flour.  There’s also a Cinnabon on the list.  Of course there is!  Louis CK does a very funny bit on Cinnabon in his stand up act.  It’s not safe for work, so I won’t give the link.  But if you were to type Louis CK and Cinnabon into you’re favorite search engine, you’ll get what I’m talking about.

Workout of the Day
Run to TL Davis Entrance and back (Approx. 600m)
15 Power Cleans 155/100