Our friends at RCF, muscle ups and foot striking

Check out the really nice profile on Valerie Calhoun from Rocklin CrossFit.  Many of you will recognize my buddies Gary Baron and Chad Augustin in the video.  Hopefully Chad will swing by CFO in the weeks leading up to the Regionals and you’ll get to see him make up, more about then attack, information pills workouts.
If you fighting for you first muscle up, website pay specific attention to how Val executes hers.  She doesn’t really use a false grip, pulls to her hips, and sits up FAST.  This is NOT the type of muscle up I learned, but it is very effective.  I look forward to breaking this move down, and seeing you guys try it out.
It’s interesting watching the “sport of fitness” grow.  In the early days, a few years ago, we saw the sport dominated by spe#ts; weightlifters, sprinters, wrestlers, gymnasts and other athletes that had developed a higher, more balanced level of fitness.  Now, we are starting the see CrossFit athletes that started with CrossFit, and have used other sports to build the capacity.
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=01h9SFf0VNA&w=560&h=315]
I would compare this to the growth of mixed martial arts.  In the early days, the sport was dominated by Brazilian Jiu-jitsu masters, then wrestlers, then strikers.  Now, fighters like Georges St. Pierre are hybrid fighters with no speciality.  And guys like GSP are dominating the sport.
I wrote about the foot strike yesterday, and K-Star goes to town on it here.  Pay attention to the corrections at the end, at K-Star corrects positioning as Derek attempts to compensate.  And I hate to admit it, but it takes at least 2 minutes in each of these positions to create change.
Workout of the Day
30 Kettlebell Swings 55/35
30 Situps
30 Double Unders
Sub for DU: 2:1 backwards, 3:1 singles

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