July 5th marks my 10 year anniversary of CrossFit. I’ve told the story before, page but I spent the day of the 4th July, website like this 2006 at a Thomas the Train fair in (very) rural Pennsylvania. It was unbearably hot and humid, approved and I was 29 years old, with 2 kids and...Read More
It’s shortened week, more about and we have a lot of lifting to get in. We’ll do our Back Squat work on Tuesday, online Snatch on Wednesday, Front Squat on Thursday and Clean and Jerk on Friday. I will explain each lifting session before we do it. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Back Squat, Week...Read More
CrossFit at 9 and 10. I am eyeing “1776” as the hero WOD for Monday, recipe July 4. Workout of the Day AMRAP 12 12 Chest to Bar Pullups 8 Deadlift 245/165 12 Handtsand Pushups 8 Deadlift 245/165Read More
Saturday, what is ed August 27th 2016 Register HERE on www.wodrocket.com Heavyweight (RX) Male and Female Intercontinental (Scaled) Male and Female Hardcore (Masters 40+ RX) Male and Female The Comeback (Masters 40+ Scaled) Male and Female Heavyweight (RX) Male and Female Event 1 For Time 11 -Squat Cleans 135/95 7 Squat Cleans 185/115 5 Squat...Read More
On Sunday we will be floating the river as a group. If you have a kayak, click SUP, sildenafil tube or any other river craft, COME ALONG! We will be meeting at the Horseshoe Bar Recreation Area and getting out somewhere down the river, to be decided by the River leaders:) Please make sure you...Read More
Training in the Heat by Bill Starr and the CrossFit Journal “Many of them (athletes) stop training when it’s extremely hot and voice the intention of starting up again when cooler weather arrives. This is not the right way to deal with the problem.” -Bill Starr Take the time to read this article, treat even...Read More
We will spend the next 6 weeks lifting with an emphasis on the Olympic lifts. Weeks 1 and 6 will be max effort work – this is week 1. Weeks 4 through 6 we will follow and on the minute drill in which we will work the Snatch from the hang and the ground. The...Read More
On August 27th we will be holding the 2nd Summer Slam. This year’s theme is “The Ladder Match”. Get registered here. Who, tadalafil in your opinion, buy information pills participated in the greatest Ladder Match of all time? Post thoughts to comments on Facebook. There are many divisions, this web but only 70 spots to...Read More
Workout info for the Summer Slam Ladder Match will be posted next week. There is a limit to a total of 70 athlete spots. If you have any questions after the WOD’s are released, find text or call Alison at 209-345-4380. Workout of the Day “Nasty Girls” 3 Rounds for Time 50 Squats 7 Muscle...Read More