Shortness of breath. Palpitations. Tight Chest. COVID symptoms? Nope…just the way your body reacts when it knows you are going to get a notification from SugarWOD that tomorrow’s WOD has been announced. Now it is time for analysis. What are the movements? Are they in my wheelhouse? Can I even do them? Or do I...Read More
Happy Sesquicentennial Oakdale! There is a parade at 9am, so you may need to pick alternative routes if you come north of F Street. There will be open gym on Sunday at 10a-12p Workout of the Day 3 Rounds5 Ring Muscle Ups5 Deficit Handstand Pushups (45/25)5 Bar Muscle Ups5 Deficit Handstand Pushups (45/25)or3 Rounds10 Toes...Read More
Friday’s squat session is a little interesting. It’s probably the only session of phase 2 that repeats itself – it’s the same Week 7, Day 2. You don’t even need to add weight to the drop sets in 5 – you just need to squat with speed out of the bottom. I tweaked the pre...Read More
We will do 1/4 Final workout 3 at 9am. At 10am, we will do 1/4 test 5 with Jack at 10, then roll directly into WB/Row. Eat your wheaties Workout of the Day For time: 120 wall-ball shots120-cal. row 20-lb. ball, 10-ft. target Time cap: 15 min.Read More
Tuesday is a named “girl” workout. It was posted for the last time last week, coupled with “Ingrid.” So, we will give “Grettel” a spin. Quick observations: In CrossFit competition, I adhere to the Doomsday principle. If there is a hardest standard, that is the one I expect and train for. So Grettel says...Read More
Thursday will be the last workout of 2020 – let’s blow our lungs full of oxygen because we can! Dandapani gives some incredible insight on something we all can develop – focus and concentration. He asks a wonderful question Have you ever been told, or told someone, to concentrate? Has anyone taught you HOW to...Read More
Our Christmas tree is up and full of ornaments for our community! Please make sure to grab this year’s CFO ornament! Holiday Schedule – Regular schedule Monday through Wednesday. Thursday – 5:30am, 9am and 10am Friday 12/25 & Saturday 12/26 Closed Monday 12/28-Wednesday 12/30 – Regular schedule Thursday New Year’s Eve -5:30am, 9am and 10am...Read More
But we’re gonna do a birthday workout for Chelsie. Couple of reasons: she gave me easy movements and she’s 31. If she was nay older, like me, it would be too. many. reps. The actual weight of the women RX bar is 95. But I realized I could sneak 89, the year of Chelsie’s birth,...Read More