
Are you feeling the excitement in the air? Because I sure am! It’s that time of year again – time to dive into the thrill of our annual Intramural Open! What’s the Intramural Open All About? Well, let me tell you, it’s not just any old competition. It’s a celebration – of community, of growth,...
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As the CrossFit community gears up for another exhilarating season of fitness challenges, camaraderie, and personal growth, CrossFit Oakdale stands ready to elevate the experience to new heights with its Intramural Open event. More than just a series of workouts, the Intramural Open embodies the spirit of unity, competition, and support that defines CrossFit Oakdale’s...
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Week 1: Get ready to kick off this love-hate affair with burpees! Start with a Tabata and focus on perfecting your form. 8 rounds of 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest for 7 days. Embrace the burn in your muscles as you lay the foundation for the weeks ahead. Love the...
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Another month – another challenge! This month is the Sand Bag Power Clean and Power Clean + Squat. Power Clean counts as one rep and the next rep is a power clean and after standing up all of the way, you will perform a squat with the sand bag. 12-LABORS-September-Sand-BagDownload
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This month we attack strict pull-ups. What if you don’t have strict pull-ups – YET? You know we can modify EVERYTHING, so let’s go! Hanging Banded Strict Pull-ups Low Banded Strict Pull-ups Toe Assisted Strict Pull-ups Negative Pull-ups Print out your daily guide or follow along on SugarWOD! 12-LABORS-AUGUST-STRICT-PULLUPSDownload
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I never thought of myself as a creature of habitat, but when I started tracking my macros I saw a pattern start to unfold. 2 eggs, 1/2c eggs whites, 200g apples, 1 tsp sesame oil, collagen in my coffee and DONE. Breakfast is ready, and I just have to copy and paste yesterday’s breakfast to...
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What is harder – relationships with people or with food? Going to go with food since the feedback seems more critical from food than from people. Our personalities, patience levels, physical bodies, really everything about us evolves – hopefully for the better. I was never a picky eater, but my kids appreciate more than chicken...
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This week’s challenge within the challenge is meal prepping throughout the week. You can meal prep for a day or two, or plan out a little farther. I like to make sure I have protein on hand to grab, and then I work from there. Grilled chicken breast or thighs individually bagged to grab and...
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Fresh fruits and veggies at every farm stand makes this nutrition challenge EASY. Join us from June 12th -July 2nd to balance out the nutrition that may have gotten off track. We will be focusing on whole foods, all of the protein, carbs and fats. Choose your Challenge Level Important Dates: Nutrition challenge: June 12-July...
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Take the end of the month survey for April 12Labors-May-KBSDownload
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