
Tomorrow night we will be posting the end of the Open scores, by individual and team, as well as the final MVP’s. It was a fantastic 5 weeks. If you had a workout buddy, of the opposite sex, you should start prepping for the Festivus Games! on April 27th. If you want to compete in...
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We just finished up the Open – if you haven’t yet, you are going to love 19.5. How did it go? You may or may not have found a weakness you were unaware of. You may have known that weakness was there. For me it is shoulder stuff…and of course the dizziness. But dizziness corrected,...
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Please join us in celebrating the end of the Open! Bring something to share, snacks, etc. and your drinks, and we can celebrate the end of the Open after we complete 19.5! Workout 19.5 33-27-21-15-9 reps for time of:95-lb. thrustersChest-to-bar pull-ups Time cap: 20 minutes
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19.5 is here. Only 105 Thrusters to go! On Saturday, we will be having a little potluck party post WOD so bring something to share and any drinks you would like. Let’s celebrate! Don’t forget it is Disco week! Can you dig it? Workout 19.5 33-27-21-15-9 reps for time of:95/65lb. thrustersChest-to-bar pull-ups Time cap: 20...
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By Coach Jess Well, we are headed into our last week of the open.  If there is one thing I have noticed in the gym is the aggressive drive to become better.  One of my challenges as a coach is to figure out how to best aid you in finding success.  Gymnastics seems to be...
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Workout of the Day Clean Grip Deadlift Build to a heavy single in 10 minutes Power Clean Build to a heavy Single in 10 minute Conditioning 50 Kettlebell Swings 50 Power Cleans 135/85 50 Dumbbell Push Press – Alternate arms every 5 reps
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Great work on 19.4! We will get the scores validated tonight. We will have some news on the skills front. The Open does a great job of testing us and identifying weaknesses. Especially the high skill stuff – it always seems to test you when you are tired. And that’s when you see some of...
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Swole Train MVP Ricardo “Ricardo has brought great energy and passion to Team Swole Train each and every week.” Flexual Healing MVP Katie “Katie battled through 19.3 and persevered, completing the WOD RX! She is always supportive and works hard.” Ramwod MVP American Lizzie“Lizzie brings the pain to every workout and represented Team Ramwod with...
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An awesome crew went up to CrossFit Sonora tonight to cheer on both Oakdale and Sonora Athletes! Thank you to Coach Jess for helping out and all who crushed workouts and supported! Workout of the Day For total time:3 rounds of:  10 snatches  12 bar-facing burpeesRest 3 minutesThen, 3 rounds of:  10 bar muscle-ups  12 bar-facing burpees M...
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We have class at CFO at 5:30a, 9a and 3:30p. We will then travel to CrossFit Sonora, leaving CFO at 4:45p. Workout of the Day 19.4 with a 12 minute cap 3 Rounds 10 Snatch 95/65 12 Bar Facing Burpees Rest 3 minutes 10 Bar Muscle Ups 12 Bar Facing Burpees
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