Great work on 19.4! We will get the scores validated tonight.
We will have some news on the skills front. The Open does a great job of testing us and identifying weaknesses. Especially the high skill stuff – it always seems to test you when you are tired. And that’s when you see some of the stuff that you are good, or even great at fresh, tends to break down.
We want to give you the skills and drills to hammer home your skills, make you efficient and confident. More on that in the coming days.
A lot of problems I noticed on the Bar MU happened in the hanging position. And we address these issues every time we do pullups, toes to bar, or other hanging drills. But being really focused on the basics; a strong, tight hollow, feet together, no swinging at the end, etc.
You can go through the motions, or you can make each one of these warm ups count. Just saying.
Workout of the Day
Bench Press
5 sets 3, 80%
35 Doubleunders
25 Foot Handstand Walk
20 Situps or 10 GHD