-by Alison I wanted to state that right away – this is an Alison post (commence multiple emojis and lots of parentheses). I am 42 years old, mom of three kids, full time business owner, myriad of health problems(if I am clutching the pullup rig, please note if is for stability), but LIVING LIFE. Sure,...Read More
Keep your calendars open for CrossFit Day at the Oakland A’s Game in September 21st. If we have 40 tickets sold from our gym, we can get a team in the competition the day of the game. We got to watch our awesome team of Austin, Victoria, Damon and Amie last year. Tickets will be...Read More
This week we will have the snatch on Monday, back squat 5 sets of 3 at 75% on Tuesday, and Open style workout on Wednesday, clean and jerk on Thursday and front squat on Friday. Workout of the Day Strength Pause snatch into a hang snatch This is 2 snatches – on the first, pull...Read More
Classes at 9am and 10am – be aware of Chocolate festival traffic! We will be doing a classic CrossFit chipper. Before the WOD we will work on some strict gymnastics movements. Friday, May 31st, will be a Muscle Up Gymnastics Class with Coach Jess. Workout of the Day 30 Handstand Pushups 40 Pullups 50 Kettlebell...Read More
We will do anything we can to avoid people being hurt. Every once in awhile we get dinged up. It is how you respond to the injury. Here is one of my favorite injury story videos. Workout of the Day Front Squat Build to a heavy single in 20 minutes Conditioning 100 Air Squats 100...Read More
Thursday’s work is similar to Monday’s work – a 30 minute EMOM of Clean and Jerks. Here’s some pointers: If you PR, take the weight down a bit. If you PR at minute 10, it’s probably not a great idea to try something you’ve never done before 20 more times. If you are relatively new,...Read More
Once again she has amazed us all. June came in 73rd in the WORLD overall in the CrossFit Games Masters Qualifiers. AND 21st in the WORLD for the 80 Bar-facing Burpees/4K Row WOD. June is a great carrot to chase after. If you haven’t had a chance to workout with her, come join her in...Read More
CrossFit Oakdale had 3 teams compete in the same sex partner competition at Resident CrossFit on Saturday. It was a well run, on time event. The workouts were challenging, the divisions were easy to understand and best of all, it was close. I would recommend competing in this event next time it comes around. At...Read More
We had 3 teams compete at “The Reztival” a competition at Resident CrossFit in Modesto on Saturday. Bryce and I competed in RX, father and son Tim and Conner competed in matching red and Alden and his partner, Cody from CrossFit Sonora, competed in the scaled division. Our teams did pretty well against some stiff...Read More
Open gym on Sunday 10am-12pm. Get your sweat on to go and celebrate your moms! Happy Mother’s Day! Workout of the Day 30 Alternating Dumbbell Snatch 50/35 15 Clean and Jerk 135/85 30 Dumbbells Hang Clean & Jerk – alt every 5 15 Snatch 135/85Read More