Fitness is…by Blair Morrison. Blair is a NorCal boy and Games athlete. Blair was 5th last year and 7th in 2009. He also went to Princeton, cheapest and appears to be one of the more cerebral athletes in the CrossFit, or any athletic, community. [youtube] Jeff Martone, the CrossFit Kettlebell Instructor, explains the...Read More
I went to college at a strange place, erectile The Citadel, a state military college in South Carolina. For all 4 years, but mainly in the first year (known as plebe/knob year) you are given a series of tasks meant to overwhelm you, and force you to keep your composure and make decisions. It’s basically...Read More
MobilityWOD. With Opens upon us, website like this it’s a good idea to do what Kelly Starrett calls “organizing” you body. That means doing mobility drills on upcoming movements, # approved recovering sore tissue and working problem areas. In the recovering sore tissue department: a group of us attacked out legs on Saturday, leaving us...Read More
“Shoe game” that is! I’ve been doing CrossFit for a few years now, and I have owned nearly every type of shoe that might be conducive to CrossFit. Aside from my original running shoes, I initially bought some old school, flat bottom Saucony’s. I bought Alison a pair of Inov-8 shoes for Christmas at On...Read More
I may have mentioned that I often “score” my soreness on a scale of 1 to 10, check 1 being completely fresh 10 being incapacitated by soreness. 1 almost never happens, sales because I usually don’t rest more than 1 day at a time, and something is usually sore. I would say I am constantly...Read More
This is the last Saturday before the CrossFit Games Open. We’ll have a free Bring a Friend WOD at 9am and and an advanced WOD at 10am. After 2 straight weeks of Saturday competitions, ailment I can’t wait to get back into a normal routine. The CrossFit Games Open starts this week, sales with the...Read More
Below is an excellent video on injury and recovery. In sport and in life, this web injuries happen. Fitness is both preventative and rehabilitative: your fitness protects you from injuries, stomach and will help you recover from them. It’s cool to watch Zach Krych hit PR’s after a catastrophic injury, but the most important part...Read More
The Fuzz from CrossFit Invictus. Lots of great (some familiar links) and videos here. If video of the interior of the human body bothers you, search be warned. I think “fuzz” is a good description for what we feel as we develop our fitness. Some times, click you may develop pinpoint soreness: like in you...Read More
Self-Taught Raquetball Player Is in a Class by Himself from the New York Times. Fascinating story I had never heard of: complete dominance from a self taught player. In a time when kids are specializing in sports more, buy and starting to specialize younger, # sale with dedicated coaching, this story is even more of...Read More
Tonight I am proud to announce the winners of the Paleo Challenge. I don’t want to be that mom who thinks everyone should get a trophy, ambulance because you should only get one if you put in the hard work. There was hard work done here over the past 4 weeks. 14 people signed up...Read More