Composure: A great adaptation to CrossFit

I went to college at a strange place, erectile The Citadel, a state military college in South Carolina.  For all 4 years, but mainly in the first year (known as plebe/knob year) you are given a series of tasks meant to overwhelm you, and force you to keep your composure and make decisions.  It’s basically a 4 year leadership lab, as the ability to stay cool and composed is essential to nearly any task, especially leading men and women.  From day one, upperclassmen would shout commands to get you worked up.  This concept was applied to every aspect of life: academics, physical fitness, personal appearance, you name it.  When you stared screwing stuff up, whether it was tying you shoes, pouring a drink or marching, an upperclassman would scream “DON’T SPAZ!”  I wouldn’t be surprised if a teach told me not to “spaz” when I was there.
While “Don’t Spaz” is a decent verbal cue, we can do better!  Last year during the Open, Alison and I used the cue “Composure” on the first WOD, where the focus was doubleunders, a tricky, high skill movement made even harder with fatigue.  When you’re tired, and start tripping over the rope, it’s easy to get frustrated, and get out of your game.  When this moment would come, we’d say “Composure”, reminding you to relax, and stay focused.
To me, composure is one of the great adaptations of CrossFit.  You get to train this stuff in the gym, and apply it in life.  Bob W is a big time duck hunter.  He may spend all morning waiting for the perfect shot, knowing that his moment will be very quick to take that shot.  He can’t “spaz”, he must stay composed.  The same goes for you golfers out there.  Aren’t the “yips” on the putting green letting your mind get the best of you?  The same goes for anyone behind the wheel of a car; you know how to avoid an accident if someone breaks in front of you.  But actually reacting properly is a different story.
Use your time in the gym to train your composure.
Rip uses so many great cues right out of the gate!  We’re push pressing tomorrow, but the press is a similar movements, and his corrections are just as applicable.
Workout of the Day
Begin with 800m run
5 Pullups (CTB for Opens athletes)
10 Push Press 95/65
15 Wallball Shots