Today’s WOD is one of my favorite’s – a Squat Clean ladderish kind of thing. The starting weight is 155/105 and you are expected to jump 10/5# each round. If that starting weight is aggressive for you, approved start lower. A decent starting weight may be 135/85. Try to make 10 jumps from there. You...Read More
We had a pretty cool night on Tuesday night. During the 6:30pm class, more about the power went out all around the TL Davis Complex (and checking FB, information pills maybe all over Oakdale). While deadlifting, seek we were plunged into darkness. Cooler heads prevailed and panic was avoided. Coach Denny told us to slide...Read More
Alison is putting together a CrossFit Oakdale headband order. We are getting the headbands from JUNK. The CFO headbands will be $18 plus tax, side effects and we’ll have pictures up soon. I’ve never worn a headband, sale but maybe I’ll start now. Minifasting: How Occasionally Skipping Meals May Boost Health from NPR. I caught...Read More
Workout of the Day Burpee Test 1 minute – max rep of Burpees to 6″ touch Rest 2 minutes 1 minute – max rep Burpees to 6″ touch Strength Deadlift, more about 1.1.1, find Week 3 In 20 minutes, build up to a heavy set of 3 quick singles. Add 10# to last weeks lift....Read More
The Push Up challenge starts Monday! It’s a $15 Buy In and the calendar is on the front desk. I love me some progressions, clinic and nearly every one would benefit from a little bit of daily pressing and mid-line stabilization. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Front Squat Double, Week 6 We are taking this...Read More
Good Luck to Micayla and Jake who are headed off to their Level 1 Seminar this weekend. Have fun guys! Workout of the Day There is a 20 minute clock : From 0:00-4:00 you will perform 100 pullups If you complete 100 pull-ups your time is your score. If you do not complete them your...Read More
Pushup challenge starts Monday. $15 buy-in – cash prize for the top Athlete at the end. Sign up sheet is on the counter alongside the sign up sheet for the Body Fat Testing. Spots are filling up. Perfect preview of your contents before the Paleo-ish challenge starts in February. Body Fat Test is $49 for...Read More
Many of you have embarked on some type of nutrition challenge and for that I commend you. I am in the same boat. We have decided to take our lives back from the sweets and treats – and the ensuing afternoon insulin hangover or bloat that they produce. But after a day or 2, approved...Read More
We did a version of this WOD a couple of weeks ago, but it was only 5 rounds. I screwed up the run – some classes ran to a 200m point, # some ran the lot – and the lot is probably 160m, depending on how you run it. If you are scaling the pull-ups,...Read More
In case you haven’t noticed, adiposity I have been posting “Open Prep” workouts on the whiteboard. There are 4 right now and I will continue to change them out every 3 days of so, always keeping 4 on the board. These workouts are meant to be done in addition to the work that we do...Read More