Pushup Challenge begins tomorrow!

The Push Up challenge starts Monday!  It’s a $15 Buy In and the calendar is on the front desk.  I love me some progressions, clinic and nearly every one would benefit from a little bit of daily pressing and mid-line stabilization.

In true Paleo style Bob went and hunted down dinner for his family.
In true Paleo style Bob went and hunted down dinner for his family.

Workout of the Day
Front Squat Double, Week 6
We are taking this to 8 weeks.  Use 8-9 sets to build to a heavy double.  Try to add 10# to last weeks effort.
Beast Builder
OTM for 7
Minute 1 is 7 Hang Squat Clean, 1 Shoulder to Overhead
Minute 2 is 6 Hang Squat Clean, 2 Shoulder to Overhead
Each minute the HSC go down by 1, the S2O go up by 1
Minute 7 is 1 Hang Squat Clean, 7 Shoulder to Overhead
Pick a weight that will challenge you.  For example, if last week was easy at 135/95, make a jump.  For example, try 155/105.
5 Power Clean 135/95
20 Doubleunders
6 minute cap
If you can handle the weight and can do double unders, your pace should be something in the range of – while moving safely and effectively – on the high end, trying to make your heart explode.  On the low end, you pace should be like if you were on fire, and you were trying to put yourself out by doing Power Cleans and Double unders.
To scale, adjust the weight to something you can handle like Dalton handled the Double Deuce on a Saturday night.  For the DU, scale to singles or backwards 1 for 1, so you move fast.

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