Rhymes with Squat Clean

Today’s WOD is one of my favorite’s – a Squat Clean ladderish kind of thing.  The starting weight is 155/105 and you are expected to jump 10/5# each round.  If that starting weight is aggressive for you, approved start lower.  A decent starting weight may be 135/85.  Try to make 10 jumps from there.  You should be able to do 10 plus reps in the first round. You get a whole 3 minutes to rest and recover for each effort.  Wanna see 3 minutes go by fast?  Just wait until round 4…

You know her and love her!  Big welcome to Coach Sarah!
You know her and love her! Big welcome to Coach Sarah!

Workout of the Day
5 Rounds for Reps
Squat Clean 155/105
Perform as many Squat Clean as possible in 1 minute
Rest 3 minutes
Add 10/5# each round.  Weights for each round: 155/105, search 165/110, 175/115, 185/120, 195/125
Following this WOD, build to a max effort Squat Clean