Headbands, Mini-Fasts, and WOD in the dark

Alison is putting together a CrossFit Oakdale headband order.  We are getting the headbands from JUNK.  The CFO headbands will be $18 plus tax, side effects and we’ll have pictures up soon.  I’ve never worn a headband, sale but maybe I’ll start now.
Minifasting: How Occasionally Skipping Meals May Boost Health from NPR.  I caught this piece this morning.  Basically, more about Intermittent Fasting or IF, is the planned missing of meals, which turn into “mini fasts.”  I really like the concept of IF and calorie reduction in general for long term health, but I haven’t figured how to incorporate it into the “CrossFit lifestyle.”  I train 5-6 days a week.  Would you fast on rest days?  That seems like a mistake to miss eating and recovering on a rest day.  Would you fast on training days?  And what time makes more sense, fasting leading up to training, when you may feel light but weak? Or, say fasting through night and breaking that fast then doing a WOD, when you may be fueled but heavy after a your first meal in 18 hours?  I have tried this on a couple of occasions, but I never really stuck to it.  Mainly because I get so hungry sometimes I feel like I can eat the rear end of a rhinoceros and come back for seconds.

Power went out in the gym but not in their hearts. True test of perseverance…the show went on. Great job 6:30pm class!
Power went out in the gym but not in their hearts. True test of perseverance…the show went on. Great job 6:30pm class!

Workout of the Day
400m Run
25 Power Snatch 75/55
20 minute cap
With the remaining time in class, perform a max effort Snatch

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