I’m going to use my music hero Sturgill Simpson to get up on my phone soap box for a second. “All too busy looking down at our phone Our egos begging for food like a dog from our feed Refreshing obsessively til our eyes start to bleed Serve up distractions and we eat them with...Read More
Thursday’s workout is version of the OTM we have been doing for the past month. You have had a consistent opportunity to work on Double-unders, dosage Toes to Bar and being upside down. Let’s see how you do without the built in rest. The evolution of athletes position while upside down has been significant. But...Read More
SPOTLIGHT ATHLETE at CFO Shelley R. is CFO’s spotlight athlete. Shelley is a treat to coach. She is a sponge….soaking up all she can and trying to get better. Shelley is unassuming and getting strong. Here’s a a little bit more about Shelley. How were you introduced to CFO? When did you realize CrossFit was for you?...Read More
Alison and I sit down every Sunday and write out the workouts for the week. Every once in a while, healing I’ll have a big space to fill, dosage and Alison will say “what about King of Prussia?” You may ask, ed what the hell is King of Prussia? Well, it’s a really nice town...Read More
Great job on the weightlifting! After 9 weeks of the Cube, try plus a pre week of testing and a post week of testing, we had 11 solid weeks of planned power lifts. At first glance, we count at least 71 PRs on 3 lifts. That’s an incredible number of personal bests. Now, I realize...Read More
What a great end to the Max Effort Week. I can’t wait to go over all of the PR’s from this week, buy but I would like to give a big high 5 to Brock today who PR’ed his back squat by 60#’s ! There were a ton of big lifts today and all week...Read More
Lots of PR’s this week. Let’s keep them rollin’! Workout of the Day Strength Back Squat 1 Rep Max Conditioning 5 RFT 3 Thrusters 135/95 10 Power Cleans 15m CapRead More
42 Things I Learned Leading Up to 2012 by John Welbourn. And a Follow up, salve A Few More Things I Learned. I know I’ve posted this before, put it came up in a social media feed and it’s just as fun of a read now as it was then. Some training advice, some life...Read More
If you have a college student or a high school graduate that is missing out on their fitness this summer, hospital we are once again offering our Summer Student Rate. $100 a month will get them in the door for as many days a week as they can handle. This offer is available to new...Read More
How Draymond Green and Kevin Love Wage a War on Their Weight from Jackie MacMullen at ESPN. There is no doubt that NBA basketball players are elite athletes – as a whole, information pills they are arguably the most athletic humans alive. Not only do they perform incredible feats of athleticism, # order but they...Read More