Get Ready For CrossFit

Great job on the weightlifting!  After 9 weeks of the Cube, try plus a pre week of testing and a post week of testing, we had 11 solid weeks of planned power lifts.  At first glance, we count at least 71 PRs on 3 lifts.  That’s an incredible number of personal bests.
Now, I realize the first inclination is to keep the PR train rolling.  And we will.  But we’re a CrossFit gym, so let’s go do some CrossFit.  You spent weeks building a stronger body, let’s have some fun with it.
There won’t be any weightlifting this week – just CrossFit workouts.  Each day have a good warm up, keep the intensity high and push your limits.
Next week, we will begin a Olympic lifting and Squat phase that will last 6 weeks.
Workout of the Day
Thruster 95/65
10 minute cap
This is pure CrossFit.  Go in with a strategy if you need to, but ideally, go as hard as you can and see how you do.

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