
Workout of the Day AMRAP 24Parking Lot Run1 Box Handstand Walk (Odd Rounds) 3/2 Wall Climbs (Even Rounds)15 Double DB Shoulder to Overhead 35/20
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We will shift back to our Monday-Wednesday-Friday schedule for the weightlifting this week. Please save the date of 12/4/21 for our annual Franniversary. We have some exciting things in the works for our 10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY! 9th annual Franniversary, but 10 YEARS for CrossFit Oakdale. Partner Competition – teams of 2 – 1 Dude, 1 Lady. RX, SCALED, Teen, Masters Divisions. Gauntlet Style. Barbells & _______. That is all I can say for right now. There is a black bucket on the counter for Thumb Things. If you don’t use them, you might be confused. If you don’t use them, you have probably seen them scattered on the floor post-wod. You know – goat tape or vet wrap that has covered thumbs for about 25% of a workout until the user has decided “F’ this isn’t working.” We will be collecting them for the rest of the year. Why you...
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While we moved here FROM Brooklyn, we did not move TO Brooklyn until 2004. Two of our children are Brooklyn Born, and Finnegan was well known by a certain bartender who was smart enough to offer a Mommy/Baby Happy hour on Thursdays from 3-5pm. We have friends who worked in the towers and I personally worked with an amazing man who was aboard Flight 175 the morning of September 11th. Brian was in the 82nd Airborne at the time at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. It is the most deployable unit in the Army, and the days to come at Fort Bragg were unimaginable. I could sit here and say my day was rough, calling wives and telling them their husbands weren’t coming home tonight, I don’t know when they are coming home, but we will get through this, over and over. But it was nothing. I am truly grateful...
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We will be having Open Gym this weekend on Sunday from 10am to 12pm. We will be doing “343” on Saturday in honor of the 343 members of the FDNY who lost their lives on 9/11. Hero WOD 343100 Deadlifts 145/115100 Power cleans 95/65100 Ground to overhead 65/3543 Burpees Workout of the Day “Hale-Bopp” AMRAP 1515 Box Jumps 24/2015 Toes to Bar15 Box Jumps 24/2015 Handstand Pushups
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Junk Yard Dog:) Workout of the Day Hang Squat Clean + Hang Squat Clean for load:#1: 2 reps @ 40%#2: 2 reps @ 40%#3: 2 reps @ 40%#4: 2 reps @ 50%#5: 2 reps @ 60%#6: 2 reps @ 70%#7: 2 reps @ 70%#8: 2 reps @ 70%#9: 2 reps @ 70%#10: 2 reps @ 70%#11: 2 reps @ 70%#12: 2 reps @ 70% Squat Clean – start at just above your las hang clean weight and then go up. 3 Sets of 3 Clean Pull @ 100% of Clean weight 7 sets of 3
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