
While we moved here FROM Brooklyn, we did not move TO Brooklyn until 2004. Two of our children are Brooklyn Born, and Finnegan was well known by a certain bartender who was smart enough to offer a Mommy/Baby Happy hour on Thursdays from 3-5pm.

We have friends who worked in the towers and I personally worked with an amazing man who was aboard Flight 175 the morning of September 11th.

Brian was in the 82nd Airborne at the time at Fort Bragg in North Carolina. It is the most deployable unit in the Army, and the days to come at Fort Bragg were unimaginable. I could sit here and say my day was rough, calling wives and telling them their husbands weren’t coming home tonight, I don’t know when they are coming home, but we will get through this, over and over. But it was nothing. I am truly grateful for my other Army wife buddy who sat there as we went through our lists together, over bottle(s) of wine.

A few years ago I went and visited the the 9/11 Memorial. In the bustling city I spent my childhood visiting and part of adulthood calling home, the quiet somberness was chilling. I took the redeye, so I got there around 7am after a pre-sunrise walk over the Brooklyn Bridge. It is beautiful. It is haunting. It SHOULD be seen by all.

We can only honor those who have gone before us in this attack, those who responded and those who survived. On Saturday, 9/11, we honor the 343 members of the FDNY.

We are truly grateful to everyone who puts their life on the line EVERY DAY to move forward with the safety of our community, our country and our world. Thank you.

Workout of the Day


For Time
100 Deadlifts
100 Power Cleans
100 Ground-to-Overheads
43 Burpees

We will squat at 10am and go directly into the workout.