Tomorrow we will be having our weightlifting seminar. There are a few more spots left – you can show up at the door. It is $125 for the day. There will be a 1 hour lunch break. If you don’t want to go out, there will be a Tritip plate for $10. No regular classes...Read More
Please share to EVERYONE you think can help out! Micayla and Dustin are back in town…opting to come to the Valley for some fresh air. They are returning this weekend and I thought they shouldn’t go back empty handed:) Let’s load them up with some supplies to bring back to those affected by the fires....Read More
The air quality on Wednesday was really bad in the morning. If the conditions are similar tomorrow, we will turn this WOD into a work/rest EMOM. We want your training to exercise your lungs, but not make you feel like you smoked 2 packs of Lucky Strikes. For the Squat club, spend 90 seconds in...Read More
Workout of the Day Strength Shoulder Press 10@55% 10@60% 7@65% 7@70% 3@75% 3@80% Conditioning AMRAP 15 Parking Lot Run 6 DB Snatch 50/35 6 PushPress Same arm Switch Arms 6 DB Snatch 50/35 6 PushPress Same Arm Read More
If you haven’t downloaded the App yet (for iTunes or Android) search it up – CF Oakdale. You can sign in for classes, stay up to date with our schedule, blog posts & WOD’s and purchase extra services. The app is FREE! Check it out! IN Fact you can even RSVP to the CFO Christmas...Read More
Remember – ‘Uncle Charles’ Shipman’s weightlifting seminar is this Saturday. The seminar goes from 9a to 4p. If you are not signed up, but want to get better at the Olympic Lifts, talk to Alison this week and get with the lifting. You can even sign up on our AWESOME App! This week – Deadlift...Read More
Workout of the Day Strength Front Squat 10 repetitions @55% 10 repetitions @60% 7 repetitions @65% 7 repetitions @70% 3 repetitions @75% 3 repetitions @80% Conditioning 7 RFT 11 Hang Power Cleans 95/65* 21 Situps *You must lower the bar below the knee for EVERY Hang Power Clean Read More
Thursday’s Squat work is very simple – spend 3 minutes on each leg in the couch stretch position. I recommend 1 minute on each leg, and then switch 2 more times. You can do this at the gym. Or you can do it on a chair, or even, like it says, on a couch. There...Read More
Today’s workout is brought to you by the great minds of Brian and Denny. Inspired by the All Access Programming of Alison. #collaboration Enjoy! Workout of the Day “Nickel & Dime Part II” 3 Rounds for Time Row 10 Calories 5 Burpees 10 Dumbbell Front Rack Thruster 50/35 5 Burpees 10 Front Rack Dumbbell Front...Read More
So – more on our Squat Club. We did some heavy squats on Monday. Tuesday’s suggested work is very simple: accumulate 5 minutes in a squat. You can do this watching TV, at the gym or at the office. If you can sit for 5 whole minutes, great! If this is uncomfortable, use your phone...Read More