Week of October 9, 2017

Remember – ‘Uncle Charles’ Shipman’s weightlifting seminar is this Saturday.  The seminar goes from 9a to 4p.  If you are not signed up, but want to get better at the Olympic Lifts, talk to Alison this week and get with the lifting. You can even sign up on our AWESOME App!
This week – Deadlift on Monday, Shoulder Press on Wednesday and Back Squat on Friday.
For the CFO Squat Club, spend 6 minutes in a Squat Test.

Workout of the Day
Clean Grip Deficit Deadlift
3 sets 0f 5, 55%
3 sets of 3, 65%
3 sets of 2, 70%
Chest to Bar Pullups
Burpees to Touch
Row for Calories