Don’t forget to ask your favorite coach to be your partner for the Barbells for Boobs Event on November 3rd! Tricia and Austin T. will be teaming up. Workout of the Day 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Bar Muscle Ups Squat Snatches 95/65 At 10 am we will open with Deadlift, Hang Clean, Hang Clean and JerkRead More
Workout of the Day Strength 15 minutes 2 Hang Power Cleans – First one will be from below the knee, second one from above the knee. Conditioning 2 rounds for time of: 50-cal. row 25 handstand push-ups 15 Minute Time CapRead More
I am staring at the first major conflict of the movie bracket. Vision Quest versus A League of Their Own. A young Matthew Modine versus Tom Hanks, in his prime, playing a bad guy, that’s secretly a good guy. Geena Davis in her prime versus Lunatic Fringe by Red Rider. A young, angry Lori Petty...Read More
This weekend our challengers wrote down the 3 foods/drinks that were the hardest for them to give up. They had 21 days of a detox sugar diet. Now they have 3 weeks to continue the challenge without restrictions. Kind of. It is still a game, and there is always a winner. The winner will have...Read More
I’m back into the sports movie kind of mood. Here’s section 3 of 4. Rocky knocks out Kicking and Screaming. I would pay to watch Rocky punch around any dumb character Will Ferrell wants to play. Bend it Like Beckham squeaks by the highly underrated Creed. If there is any doubt that I am unbiased,...Read More
One of my favorite call-outs on Facebook is by Coach Wendy – she will be leading the NEW 3:30pm class on Mondays. “Teachers, moms, dads, all of my friends, I want to invite all of you to my first official CrossFit class as a coach. It’s tomorrow from 3:30-4:30. It’s designed for all abilities, including...Read More
At 10am we will warmup with 7 minutes of bar facing burpees. 🙂 Workout of the Day 5 rounds for time of: 50 double-unders (each) 50-ft. synchronized overhead lunge 50/35 Time cap: 15 minutes Tiebreak: NoneRead More
The first three weeks of the Healthy Living Challenge are almost over! Really, the 21 day sugar detox is ALMOST OVER! On Tuesday, we will stop tracking our diet in that we will no longer lose points for diet infractions. BUT you can gain points if you continue with your clean lifestyle. There will be...Read More
Our two teams who have signed up for the Team Series will be getting SYNCHRONIZED during their workouts this week. EVENT 1 Synchro bar-facing burpees EVENT 2 Synchro Squat Cleans EVENT 3 Synchro pull-ups Synchro deadlifts EVENT 4 Double-unders Synchro OH lunges If you see them doing the workout, cheer ’em on! Workout of the...Read More
Get ready for some updates! Starting Monday, September 24th, we are trying out a 3:30pm class. If you have teachers, parents, or anyone who is off at that time, let them know an early class will be available. If you are looking for a boost to your gut health, sauerkrauts make a great addition to...Read More