The Second Half

This weekend our challengers wrote down the 3 foods/drinks that were the hardest for them to give up. They had 21 days of a detox sugar diet. Now they have 3 weeks to continue the challenge without restrictions. Kind of. It is still a game, and there is always a winner. The winner will have the most accumulated points. If you fell off the wagon, you are not out of the game. In the next three weeks, if you can keep those 3 foods out of your diet, you will earn an extra 15 points a day, on top of your mobility, hydration, exercise, etc points. 
We have already seen weight loss, inches lost and all the good feels of eating clean gained. Habits are formed in 21 days. Imagine how strong those habits will be in 21 more? (66 days of a new behavior makes it a new automatic behavior)
Challengers, continue to log in the google document. In order to be in consideration for the cash prize at the end, you must complete the 3 foods (in all honesty), mid challenge WOD and measurements.

Workout of the Day
5 Rounds
40 Air Squats
30 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
20 Toes to Bar
25 Minute cap