I was going to write an extremely well written, thoughtful post on something. But there are a dozen people in my house, screaming, playing bunco. So, this is what you get tonight. Tomorrow – back to the movie bracket. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Spend 7 minutes building to a heavy Muscle Snatch Spend 7...Read More
We are in full swing with 3 progressions – we are in week 5 of 6 with our Overhead complex, 5 weeks in a Handstand Pushup/Walk practice (Thursday), and into week 3 our Pullup/Dip (Friday). Workout of the Day Strength BTN Complex – Week 2 of 3 Build to a heavy set of a Behind...Read More
I want to do some sled pushing – I need guinea pigs…for Fran VII Workout of the Day 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 Hang Squat Snatch 75/55 Bar Facing BurpeeRead More
Fundraising is fun, isn’t it? It has FUN in the word itself. CrossFit Oakdale is trying to raise $$ for Barbells For Boobs by putting our coaches on the line. They agreed, I promise. If you attended classes today, or follow us on instagram, you know that Denny’s donation jar got LIT UP. And that...Read More
This workout is going to be something familiar to last Thursday’s. In fact, it is the same, we are just flipping the toes to bar and the burpees. Workout of the Day OTM 10 Alternating Handstand OR HSPU (1,2 or3) and Hold – 20 seconds on /40 seconds off Handstand Walk 60 Toes to Bar...Read More
NO WEDNESDAY ROMWOD OR 9AM Class – sorry for the inconvenience! We will have a 8:30am ROMWOD Class on Friday morning to make up for it. Workout of the Day 5 Rounds 1 Minute of As Many Cleans as Possible 165/110 Rest 3 minutes 1 Minute of As Many Cleans as Possible 185/115 Rest 3...Read More
Our Healthy Living Challenge is over. Hopefully our challengers have learned some new recipes, gotten rid of a good amount of sugar and are feeling better. Our goal for these challenges is always to improve upon our current conditions. Maybe we used sugar in our coffee, but now we drink it black. Maybe instead of...Read More
We have built up a series of progressions – we have a Jerk progression, a Pull-up/Dip progression and a Handstand progression. We will continue to tweak these progressions to develop awareness and to push out limits. For example, this week we will take our Jerk progression behind the neck. We will start out with some...Read More
Friday’s workout comes from CrossFit.com. It will require some serious time management and even more serious barbell pit crew work. Listen up – you cannot Bogart the 5s!!! Roll them over to your friends. Your friends sure would like a hit. Keep some 5s and 2.5s handy, but please, please, switch to bigger plates as soon...Read More