Tuesday’s workout is VetWOD#3. This is very similar to Open workout 18.1 – a fast, tough conditioning workout, followed by a max effort clean. Here’s how I recommend the workout go – you spend 15 minutes warming up a clean. Know you will only have 5 minutes, at best, to perform your Clean. The goal...Read More
Franniversary VII is Saturday! We have a sweet gauntlet, a partner triplet, and the top 5 teams will go onto a finals with heavy cleans, rowing and handstand walks (wheel barrel walks for scaled). The first heats are kicking off at 8:30am. We are asking for volunteers to be standing tall and looking good at...Read More
Looking forward to seeing everyone at 10am tomorrow – the last day of our Thanksgiving weekend schedule! AGAIN – 10 am class only!! Please get signed up for our Wild West Ho’Down competition for next weekend!Read More
Only 1 workout on Friday at 10am. And it’s a Hero workout. Plenty of reps to make that turkey on the gains train. Workout of the Day Morrison” 50-40-30-20 and 10 rep rounds of: Wall ball shots, 20/14 pound ball Box jump, 24/20 inch box Kettlebell swings, 1.5/1 poodRead More
Our Black Friday sale is perfect for Holiday gifts for your friends who say they want to come and try out CrossFit Oakdale. It will include: 20% off : New unlimited memberships (purchase up to 3 months, no refunds) Reg. $150 purchase for $120 5 Class Punch Cards Reg. $75 – purchase for $60 ($12 a class!) No...Read More
WOW. So much reflection coming as I think way back to Saturday:) BTW this is Alison – you know, lots of emojis, run on sentences and flitting from topic to topic:) The past 6 weeks have been a whirlwind of good. Good for our community, good for our coaches and good for reminding us that...Read More
We will have a full run down of our Burpees for Boobs fundraiser on Monday nights post. Here is the schedule fore this week. For Monday, normal schedule, but I will do one, likely final air quality conscious workout. Hopefully, by Tuesday, we can grip it and rip it. Because, Tuesday is the Week 2...Read More
Tomorrow is the day our coaches get down…and up…. and down… and up… We will have a regular 9am class full of strict gymnasty movements and then our final event of the Barbells for Boobs Fundraiser at 10am. We will be bringing some food and drinks, but welcome any food you would like to share...Read More
** If you will be attending the burpee palooza on Saturday and are in it for the long haul, we would love if you could bring a dish to share. We figured we will be there through lunch:) It was a smoky day in the valley today, but with the doors closed, we had at...Read More
Thank you to everyone who came out and shook it tonight for Barbells for Boobs! We have raised a good deal of $$ for our cause. That also means there are a lot of burpees on the line. If you feel like we have been unfair, or you want to really play the game, I...Read More