I am not a fan of government shutdowns. Whatever your politics may be, as a 20 year government employee, I don’t know what a shutdown does or proves, other than hurting the folks that work for the country day in and day out. Missing pay, and/or being forced to stay home, and all the undue stress it causes has nothing to do with whatever political argument is being made. BUT… What the shutdown has once again reminded Alison and I...Read More
The last 2 days of workouts may have exposed some weaknesses. If you found the push press easy, but strict pressing EXTREMELY hard and had a hard time wrapping your mind around the pull-up transitions …that is exactly what we wanted you to find out. Many people found that the strict movements “cost” a lot as they got into more of the ballistic movements. The strict movements do an amazing job of showing us our weaknesses, whether it be a pressing or pulling movement. Often times, even on the strict movements, it is about being strong in the hollow/arch. You may find pressing from your elbows only gets you so far. By keeping your body tight and finding your arch position, you create room to press, similarly in the pull-up, you create room to pull. We drill these movements in the warmups EVERY SINGLE DAY. Hopefully you see how the application can lead to better work capacity. And if it doesn’t, that is fine we will just do more strict stuff. Get signed up! You can even...Read More
I had somethings to say about Tuesday’s workout, but I got home late. I’d like to discuss the Pull-a-Palooza, but I will get to it tomorrow night. Workout of the Day Strength Bench Press 8 sets 4, 65% Conditioning AMRAP 17 3 Strict Press 5 Push Press 7 Push Jerk Parking Lot run Barbell 95/65Read More
Tuesday will be a pullup-palloza. Each round will begin with 3 strict pullups, 5 chest to bar pullups and finish with 7 kipping pullups. If these movements are possible, but are high rep, I suggest the movements, but a rep scheme instead of 3/5/7 as 2/4/6 or 1/2/3. If you don’t have a pullup, much...Read More
We have a sweet goals board, but there’s a problem with it – people are already reaching their goals! We had 4 athletes – Amie, Brad C, Brooke and Cameron get their first bar muscle ups in the last couple of days. We are going to continue pushing the skills – we will work Ring...Read More
CrossFit at 9 ands 10 on Saturday. I missed out on the Bar Muscle Up, so I want to give it some love. And yes, there are more Squat Cleans – but they are heavy! As always – this is scalable Workout of the Day 10RFT 3 Bar Muscle Ups 4 Squat Clean 155/100 5 Box Jumps 30/24Read More
Huge CONGRATULATIONS to Amie, Brad C. and Cameron who got their first muscle-ups tonight. Both Amie and Cameron have spent significant time on the transitions and the skills needed to get up and over the bar. Brad just tried for the first time and is freakishly capable of anything, BUT he does the drills. The muscle-up of any kind is a huge physical accomplishment. We want to use these sessions to give you the tools you need to muscle-up. It doesn’t hurt to have Coach Jess, the gymnastics whisperer, in your ear during practice either. (Below: When Coach Wendy says “SNAP” you SNAP. Workout of the Day Strength Deadlift 4 sets of 8+ at 55% of your 1RM Conditioning AMRAP 9 9 Hang Squat Cleans 75/55 18 SitupsRead More
Thursday will be similar to last week, some skills that you may see in the Open, worked with a Muscle Up. Tomorrow will be a Bar Muscle Up skill day. Like last week, you can work the transition with lowered bars, jumping MU, or Bar MU. If space allows, you may try banded MU as...Read More
If you have been looking at the CrossFit main site, they have been bringing the ruckus on the strict movements. Strict pull-ups have come up on at least 3 workouts since the new year. We will begin sprinkling them into the programming, because it’s just good for you. Workout of the Day Strength Back Squat 8 sets of 4, 65% Conditioning AMRAP 7 Perform as many Thrusters 65/45 as possible At the top of every minute, perform 5 strict pullups. If this is too...Read More
Tuesday’s workout is very similar to the handstand workout from last week. Instead of a big gymnastics pull, there is a weightlifting pull, coupled with handstand walking Much like last week, take either time to find a scaling option that pushes your ability, whether it is kick ups, wall walking sideways and other methods. If...Read More