You may or may not have heard, but Coach Tim had a little health scare this morning. Lucky for him, he is healthy AF and is on the road to a speedy recovery. We love our coaches and we love our athletes, especially in times of need. Sometimes people need space during these times, sometimes...Read More
If you worked out on Tuesday, you experienced our burpee Milo. This week we used 20 seconds. Next week we will go up to 25 seconds of work, 35 seconds of rest. Can you increase your work total by 1 or 2 burpees? Workout of the Day 6 Rounds 12 Toes to Bar 6 Squat...Read More
Workout of the Day Strength/Skill OTM 10 20 seconds Max Effort Burpees to 6″ touch Rest 40 seconds Conditioning 100 Double Unders 20 Snatches 155/100 100 Double UndersRead More
Workout of the Day “The Seven“ Seven rounds for time of:7 Handstand push-ups7 Thruster 135/95 7 Knees to elbows7 Deadlift 245/165 7 Burpees7 Kettlebell swings 70/537 Pull-upsRead More
Saturday will be a classic triplet and perhaps the first viral CrossFit video, Nasty Girls. Workout of the Day 3 RFT 50 Air Squats 7 Ring Muscle Ups 10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95Read More
This is basically a re-post from a strength plan we used in 2013. It worked then, and I know it will work now. The 2020 Open is coming, and a Milo is exactly what we need to get us moving fast and well. Many CrossFitters are interested in getting stronger. All over the world, athletes are...Read More
Tomorrow’s workout will be brought to you by CrossFit Linchpin. You know…the home of the killer Monster Mashes that we have been doing? Tape up your thumbs, because this WOD is off the hook (grip) (because you will need to hook grip…) Workout of the Day EMOM 30 1 Hang Squat Snatch* Add weight each...Read More
Tomorrow we will be starting a Thruster “Milo.” If you are good at thrusters, start at 95/65. If this is an aggressive weight, go lighter – 75/45. Open Gym tomorrow 10am-11am Workout of the Day OTM 10 5 Thrusters Rest 5 Minutes AMRAP 10 40 Double Unders 20 SitupsRead More
CrossFit Oakdale had a great Saturday of community and competition. We had nearly 50 athletes compete in 4 challenging workouts in a pretty hot gym. We saw an influx of newer gyms, from CrossFit Marin and CrossFit Tri-Park City from Sacramento showing up in force, along with several athletes from our neighbors at Excel and...Read More