The 2020 CrossFit Open begins at 5pm on Thursday. Dave Castro is back to posting impossibly vague hints, there will be an Open announcement show, it seems all is right with the world. Except it’s October and it’s the second Open of the year, but who’s counting? As always, we will post the Open workout...Read More
Looking for some team names for our Open Season/Barbells for Boobs. Athletes will be assigned to teams, and next week, starting Monday will be a Tie-Dye Themed Week. Names submitted so far- if you have some suggestions, text Alison at 209-345-4380. Fire Breathing Bluebirds Tequila Mockingbirds Hakuna Ma TATA Good, Better, Breast More Than a...Read More
Workout of the Day AMRAP 15 5′ Handstand Walk 2 Chest to Bar Pullups 10′ Handstand Walk 4 Chest to Bar Pullups 15′ Handstand Walk 6 Chest to Bar Pullups 25′ Handstand Walk 10 Chest to Bar Pullups 20′ Handstand Walk 8 Chest to Bar Pullups 10 Handstand PushupsRead More
Congrats to CrossFit Oakdale athletes that took on the Peace Officer’s Memorial run in Modesto. Chelsie and Jack ran in their full work gear – and Chelsie went to work! Keri, Rocky & Don got in on the fun, too. Brooke pushed her daughter (while her son pushed along on a scooter). Alison ran her...Read More
The 2020 CrossFit Games Open starts next week. I’m pretty sure we will do some breathing in the next 5 weeks. Let’s lift some heavy stuff and clim some ropes at 10am. Workout of the Day 15 minutes to build to a heavy Power Clean Bench Press Back Squat At 10a, we will do a...Read More
The Yummiest Silent AuctionLooking for donations for our fundraiser. If donating baked goods, please give a description to Alison and items can be brought in Friday or Saturday (the 25/26th)Non-perishable items can be brought in at any time – bottle of wine? Case of beer? All donations welcome! Maybe a little tiptoe into the White...Read More
October is upon us and it is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We have a couple of fun events planned to raise money to support the Barbells for Boobs Foundation. They get ahead of the game by providing mammograms for women who are not eligible/cannot afford them Everyone should be able to get a mammogram –...Read More
The moment you have all been waiting for… here are the movements! Remember we follow CrossFit Games standards. The price increases tomorrow, October 1st. RX Pullups, Chest to Bar Pullups, Bar Muscle Ups Wall Ball Shots 40/25, MedBall Cleans 40/25, MedBall Clean into a WallBall Shot 40/25, Deadlifts 185/115, Cleans 185/115, Shoulder to Overhead 185/115...Read More
We will have a similar week to last week: thruster in reps of 4 on Monday, handstand work and burpees on Tuesday. It looks like nice weather, so there will be a running workout on Thursday. On Friday, we will keep adding to the Milo of 3 power cleans and 1 jerk, but we will...Read More