Hannah W is 12 years old and arrived on the scene about 6 months ago. Her parents CrossFit as well as her younger sister Kate. Hannah is amazing. She competed in the 2011 Barbells for Boobs in October. She was the youngest competitor that day and finished 30 Clean & Jerks in 3:36 at 35#....Read More
Soooo, dosage we got a delivery today. It wasn’t the whole enchilada though, prescription it was a whiteboard and six timers. We were expecting the Big One, approved and we got the little one. The shipping company told us tomorrow is the day, so we’re pretty psyched. Power is slow coming, but we hope to...Read More
CFO saw it’s first true WOD, both in the AM and the PM. With 100 pull-ups in a WOD, we saw our first “emotional” hand moments. Just cause the pull-up bar is beautiful doesn’t mean you can’t rip your hands. We are still sorting out our color scheme, but we hope to get painting real...Read More
The pull-up rig is up and the floors are down! A serious minded work crew got to work early Saturday, purchase and by Sunday at noon, # buy we turned an empty warehouse into a starter CrossFit gym. Sure, you have to use the bathroom in the dark, but you can do muscle ups!...Read More
Big news! CrossFit Oakdale is located at 1872 Ackley Circle, sick Suite 8. This is just off Albers Road and Warnerville Road, across from the TL Davis Complex. It’s away from traffic, has plenty of parking, with nice running routes. Our Rouge Pullup Rig is going to be delivered to the location on Friday afternoon,...Read More
We received our first major piece of equipment today: a shiny new Glute-Ham Develeoper (GHD). I am the first to admit, patient I don’t use this bad boy enough. GHD work is strong juju, information pills and this one is a little higher than I’m used to. Good times! Strength 1 Power Clean, purchase...Read More
Just a conditioning WOD planned for Tuesday. Wednesday will be squatting, online both front and back. I don’t have a rack (yet) so both lifts will need to be pulled from the floor. That means Cleans too. Fun! The squat metcon for Wednesday looks GNARLY. Thursday will be a rest day, # 40mg as...Read More
This is a big week for CrossFit Oakdale, see and we’re not even open yet! We expect our equipment to be delivered this week. A GHD machine is en route, drug the huge cache from Maverick Athletic Supply is expected at the end of the week, and the Rogue Pull up rig comes in Friday....Read More
CrossFit Oakdale has ordered nearly all of our equipment. You name it: bars, generic plates, here kettle bells, rings, medicine balls, a pull-up/muscle up/power rack and more. The only problem right now: we don’t have a place to put it. We go before the Oakdale Planning Committee on Thursday (11/17) and we hope to get...Read More
Is any one interested in the training we are doing to get “ready for anything”? For time: Row 300m 20 Push Jerks 135/95 Row 300m 15 Push Jerks Row 300m 10 Push Jerks Row 300m 5 Push Jerks From Crossfit.com last week. We’ll be posting WODs from time to time to give you an idea...Read More