What a great night! The Pullup Whisperer arrived! Gloria M strung together multiple pull-ups for the first time ever! Gloria is a tenacious competitor, pharmacy and her attitude provides a great example to all athletes. Lara, Conney, Jenn and more made great strides to getting a pull-up! Keep up the great work! And what fearless...Read More
**** 6am Classes this week are Tuesday, search Wednesday, Friday**** Ritalin Gone Wrong. Our answer to this question may seem simple: proper nutrition and exercise. The WODs are up for the CrossFit FTF Competition this weekend. Check em out! We have a few athletes going to Fresno. Let us know if you’re interested in going...Read More
Remember, hospital 9am is a Bring A Friend WOD. Come on out and have some fun! From the Too Much Information Dept… I’m a pretty lucky guy. I get to workout with family and friends everyday. I have a regular job. I work with great people. We work hard and we generally enjoy each other’s...Read More
This is a little late, # dosage but here’s the 2011 Recap from Talk To Me Johnny. TTMJ is the CrossFit Football “thoughts” blog. Part of me thinks I’ve posted this before, # buy but even if I did, approved it’s worth a re-read. John is so no-nonsense in his approach! Speaking of no-nonsense. I...Read More
I get contacted with CrossFit competitions all the time, purchase and this one is short notice but sounds cool. CrossFit Combat Fitness in Fresno is holding a couple’s competition on February 11. This is a different twist on the competition, page and what better way to celebrate Valentine’s Day than smoking your better half in...Read More
How To Kill Your Goat by Freddy C from One World. I agree with Freddy’s 3 steps to killing your “goat”. FYI – you “goat” is a movement, # exercise, buy weight, ailment time domain, or more that you suck at. I’ve been doing CrossFit for over five years. After I got fit, I felt...Read More
Guitar Zero. I caught about 2 minutes of the author, remedy Gary Marcus, visit web being interviewed on NPR on Sunday morning. This isn’t a book about how to learn the guitar, it’s the story of learning and setting goals during a time in your life when many people have given up on learning new...Read More
I made a scheduling mistake. I thought the Fresno Comp was this Saturday, drugs it’s next Saturday, # Feb 4th (Super Bowl Weekend). That gives you an extra week to tighten up your game. OR, purchase you can compete, do 3 WODs, and have a massive, cheat day on Super Bowl Sunday! They will...Read More
Bring a Friend WOD at 9am! Come on out and get a free workout! If you didn’t know, find Crossfit FTF in Fresno is doing a competition next week. A few of us will be heading down. It’s a good event that’s relatively close by. It will be my third year participating. Tony...Read More
Lots of pull-ups in the WOD today, information pills and taking care of your hands is essential. You will develop calluses on your hands as they toughen and you do more work. You need to ensure your calluses stay even and not overly large, or you run the risk of hand tears. Hand Care from...Read More