Walk Like A Man…On Your Hands.

**** 6am Classes this week are Tuesday, search Wednesday, Friday****
Ritalin Gone Wrong.  Our answer to this question may seem simple: proper nutrition and exercise.
The WODs are up for the CrossFit FTF Competition this weekend.  Check em out!  We have a few athletes going to Fresno.  Let us know if you’re interested in going down and cheering our CFO Athletes.  It’s great fun to throw up a popup tent, eat good (and bad) food, and cheer each other on.  We’ll lock down the plans this week.
You may have noticed the Countdown widget in the right corner of our website: counting down the days to the Reebok CrossFit Games Open.  5 weeks, 1 workout per week, announced on Wednesday, with scores to be submitted by Sunday night.  CFO will integrate these WODs into our programming, and I would highly recommend throwing your hat in the ring.  I would also recommend trying to do the Opens as prescribed so you can get your name on the score board.  CrossFit HQ did an amazing job of creating a massive online competition last year in creating an event that allowed for mass participation, but at the same time pushed the limits of the best athletes in the world.  It’s $10, great fun, you’ll work super hard, and push your fitness to a new level.

Great job to Kim who arrives to class with a smile each and every time, Ready for Anything we throw at her:)

Workout of the Day
Work on weighted, dead hand, or chest to bar pull-ups.  For example, if you have kipping pull-ups, work on dead hangs.  If you have dead hangs, work weighted, or weighted chest to bar.
Handstand Progressions
Between pull-ups, work on handstands.  For example, try to kick into a headstand (supported).  Try a free standing handstand.  If you have the handstand, walk on your hands.
10 Pullups
10m-ish Handstand Walk (sub bear crawl)
Run to fence and back