We are entering week 9 of the 12 week squat program. Monday’s session is similar to last week – except the drop sets are 4s. Similar to last week, you can build through the heavy singles. Then, on your first drop set, stick to the percentage. If you feel like you can go up 5-10...Read More
At 10am we will be testing a workout with rope climbing and sled pushing. Be our testers! Workout of the Day 300 Doubleunders80 Pullups300 Doubleunders80 HSPURead More
On top of the accessory work we talked about last night, we wanted to remind you about the AMAZING weightlifting class with Coach Denny. This month class will be on the 11th and the 25th, Friday nights at 6:30pm. You can always find them on the schedule in the Mindbody app. Workout of the Day...Read More
Ok, standby for a long post. I’ve been chewing on this for awhile… Coming out of the Open, we had 5 athletes qualify for the Quarterfinals/AGOQ. That’s a great accomplishment for a gym of “regular” folks. And by “regular” – I mean folks that religiously wake up early, put a heavy bar on their back,...Read More
We are very excited to announce that Christian Acosta will start coaching classes for CrossFit Oakdale! Christian first walked through our doors in 2014. He has participated in the Franniversary AND won a Summer Slam. He is kind, considerate and an amazing mover. We asked him to write up a little bio about himself and...Read More
We will begin the second phase of the Ben Smith Squat Program this week. The program changes slightly, in that instead of going up and getting heavier and heavier, you will work heavy in smaller sets. Then, drop the weight a bit a do MORE reps. Monday, it’s heavy 3s, then a drop set at...Read More
At 10am we will start with rope climbs, do the workout and finish off with some sled pushes! Classes at 9 and 10am! Workout of the Day “Barmanda” 9-7-5Bar MuscleupsSquat Clean 185/125Read More
We will be back to the Ben Smith Squat Program on Monday – week 7 through 12. In the meantime, lets test some leg and core stuff. In both the quarterfinals and the age group online qualifier, all athletes tested the 4RM Front Squat. It’s a brilliant little test, because no one really knows it....Read More
Sorry for the mixup, but snatches and double-unders are here for Thursday! Miss us yet? We miss you xoxo Make sure to give our coaches LOTS OF LOVE!! Workout of the Day Shooter’s Choice AMRAP 1230 Doubleunders1 Power Snatch – you choose the weight Your score is total weight lifted and double undersRead More