
What a great night with CrossFit Sonora! They have some great athletes, teens AND adults. AND great lifters. It is always a good time when they are around. Don’t don’t forget we are headed up the hill next week. We will leave around  4:30pm…and can carpool from the gym. Let Alison know if you are...
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18.2 is newer style workout – a max effort lift AFTER a metcon.  This isn’t a big deal – we lift heavy and we lift heavy tired. But some strategy will be required. First – you will likely not have a TON of time for your lifts.  Figure 3 minutes at the higher end, less...
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CrossFit Oakdale will host out brothers and sisters from “up the hill,” CrossFit Sonora, on Friday night.  We will join together to celebrate fitness in whatever The Dave Castro has to throw at us for 18.2. We will begin at 5:30pm – there will be no 4:30pm class.  If you need to get in and...
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    Jack Orosco Ready or Not Beer We Come Jack brought a STRONG Seinfeld Game all week. He also helped Open first timers by giving them tips. And to top is off, he kicked his OWN ASS 2x on 18.1. -Coach Tricia       Sarah Wade WOD SQUAD I believe when an Athlete...
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By 5pm today scores were all submitted and locked in. Kourtney finished up 18.1 redo around 4:35pm and I (Alison) called Finn at 4:52pm and tried to find out if he submitted his score. He is 14, so he didn’t, and since I made his account and forgot the password his score was entered literally...
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You still have Monday to get 18.1 in.  The best time to get ‘er done is 10am.  Warm up from 9:30 and be ready t0 go at 10.  Please text Alison at 209-345-4380 if you have any issues getting your scores logged. We will squat heavy Monday, do some Handstand and Pull Up work on...
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The CrossFit Games Open is Saturday.  We start at 9am, with about a 30 minutes of warm up, movement prep, and we will be rolling by 9:30. We will take it until we are done, and then it’s off to Monk’s Diner for a meal and the minutia.  Well, no Monk’s, but we’ll enjoy food...
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  I will have a strategy tomorrow, but 18.1 is pretty simple.  It’s stuff we do regularly, in numbers that we do, for durations that we do.  If you can do T2B, at all, this is a rowing workout. If you are planning on doing 18.1 on Saturday, I recommend Alternating OTM 16: 5-7 Thrusters...
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**** No Open Gym on Thursday*** Team names are coming together, points are being earned all over instagram, and we even got reposted by the CrossFit Games Instagram page! It has been a GREAT day. Are you ready for tomorrow?! Announcement happens at 5pm. We will have it playing at the gym if you want...
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We will be following this back squat schedule throughout the Open. It will be a way to keep your legs strong and durable, like Jerry’s when he beat Duncan in THE RACE.  Workout of the Day Strength Back Squat 5 sets of 3 @75% Conditioning 12-9-6 Power Cleans 165/110  Box Jumps 30/24  
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