In case you haven’t noticed, adiposity I have been posting “Open Prep” workouts on the whiteboard. There are 4 right now and I will continue to change them out every 3 days of so, always keeping 4 on the board. These workouts are meant to be done in addition to the work that we do...Read More
Are you looking forward to the real New Year? The day where everyone REALLY goes back to work, sickness the kids go back to school and the grind begins anew. Me either. The only way to ease the pain is to come to CrossFit Oakdale and try to break a barbell with your bare hands....Read More
9am WOD Jerk Practice 20 minutes WOD 75 Wallballs 20/14 50 Toes to Bar 25 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95 10am Snatch – 20 minutes to build Play with a pause at position 2 Conditioning AMRAP 18 80 Wallball 20/14 40 Toes to Bar 20 Shoulder to Overhead 155/100 10 Muscleups If you have MU, visit...Read More
We hope you have a happy new year! We look forward to training hard with you in 2015. If you did “Spehar” today, website congrats. That WOD was rough – it was a great way to start training in 2015. [youtube] For Christmas, CrossFit has placed all the events from 2009-2014 CrossFit Games on it’s...Read More
Happy New Year! Only 1 class on Thursday – and it’s a doozy. To scale – use whatever weight you can do on the thrusters – 135/95 is heavy. Find a weight that you can move for sets of 5. For C2B pullups, you can scale to Pullups or Body Rows. For the running, all...Read More
There will only be 1 class at 9am today. Open gym from 10a-12p. A few scaling options for todays WOD. 100 Burpees – do them. Go slow if you have to. 5 minutes is blazing fast to do 100. That’s 20 a minute. Try to find a pace – 15-16 a minute is pretty good. ...Read More
At the end of every year, order sends us an annual report. While I don’t think I am a giant nerd, purchase I did ask Brian yesterday “Do you remember when we get the annual report? Is it New Year’s Eve?” as if I missed it somehow. This annual report gives us statistics, price...Read More
Once again, see this will be a shortened week. Normal hours on Monday and Tuesday. We will Deadlift heavy singles on Tuesday. New Years Eve, # which is Wednesday, tadalafil there will only be one class – at 9am. Open Gym from 10a-12p. Normal hours on Friday. Thursday is New Year’s Day, and it will...Read More
Classes at 9am and 10am – the WOD is a little bit different – a relatively light Deadlift with a moderately heavy Overhead Squat. This is not something we do often – the limiting factor will be your OHS. You should use 1 bar for this, no rx unless you have number on the OHS...Read More
Sorry about the late post – we were out making merry. Normal Friday schedule tomorrow. We hope you had a Merry Christmas! Workout of the Day Strength/Skill Snatch Build to a heavy single in 20 minutes Conditioning 5 RFT Parking Lot Run 15 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 15 Box Jumps 24/20Read More