
How did those pull-ups go today? Did you hit 100? It was great to have them all separated into the EMOM. Loved it! We will be saving Murph for the 4th of July. BUT we will be having a big ol’ Memorial Day WOD on Monday. Class will be at 9am and we will be outside. Bring your sunscreen! Tomorrow classes at 9am and 10am. Get signed up! Workout of the Day “Barbell Muerte” AMRAP 18 15 Deadlifts 12 Hang Power Cleans 9 Front Squats 6 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95
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If you participated in the Zoom ROMWOD, you know it is off the hook. Just kidding – but it is a great moment to relax, stretch and regroup. It has been two days and I am not going to lie – I miss Zoom ROMWOD. So let’s keep that going. The meeting id will stay the same, and the password will always be Oakdale. Come join us! Meeting ID 334 642 69278:30 am Zoom ROMWOD Workout of the Day Fully Loaded Alternating EMOM 20 minutes30 seconds of work/30 seconds of restPullups Wall Ball Shots Empty Chamber Alternating EMOM 20 minutes30 seconds of work/30 seconds of restBroomstick Sumo Deadlift High Pull Broomstick Thrusters
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Today was AWESOME! While we are still figuring out our space, learning to stay in our spots, and catching up on old times, it was so great to be back together. If you didn’t get a workout in today, no worries. There is always tomorrow and the next day! (make sure you sign up on the mind body app) Kids and Teens classes start back up tomorrow. Adjusted schedule for the moment to ensure that we can clean in between. Same rules as the adults. Kids class will be from 3:30pm-4pm and Teens will be from 4:20pm-5pm. If your kid/teen uses your email address for their account, please sign in to the kids class for them. If they have their own email address, we can change it up tomorrow. Workout of the Day AMRAP 15 3, 6, 9, 12, 15…keep going up DB Power Snatch 50/35 Box Jump 24/20 You...
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Well, kind of. We opened the gym the first weekend in December of 2011 with a few people we knew and a few people we didn’t. I wish I could remember the night before. I think I will remember this night. The excitement, the nervousness. A bunch of dust bunnies have been harmed in this process, spiders displaced and so many thing Tricia wanted to throw out are gone. Don’t worry, there are more projects to be done, but I feel like we are ready for you to come through those doors. As coaches, we are ready to air high five, even if we want to make contact. We are ready to correct whatever we haven’t over the past 2 months. And most of all we are ready to be together – even if it is social distanced. Thank you for sticking with us. Thank you for posting pictures &...
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Have you ever gone on a long vacation? Or remember the days after going back to school after summer break? By mid day, you’re exhausted and wondering how you ever did this in the first place. Well, as things open back up, you may experience a similar feeling. You may be used to ripping off huge sets of pull-ups or crushing barbell workouts. And maybe you have continued to crush at home. But something about being in the crowd, in the heat of the moment, can cause you to push just a little bit harder. That’s why we can’t wait to get back in the gym – to feed off that energy. All I’m saying is, be prepared. We are going to ease you back in. You may say “hey, I want more!” All good things come in time. There is a new normal to become adjusted to – like...
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