Right now attendance is low for the Summer Slam. We want to have a great event, but we need more COMPETITORS! We have heard there are many Athletes who want to compete, but we need you to put your money where your mouth is! Register at wodrocket.com Workout of Day Strength Snatch Balance or Overhead...Read More
Best line in the video – “self correcting move” So, this is a little different. Instead of Deadlift, Clean, and Lunge with the barbell, we will used the bells – KB or DB. I am loving these tools. I feel like I suck at them – the barbell allows you to exert force and create...Read More
More “Fran” training. Couple of thoughts… This is Fran with some built in rest. The hope is that you do unbroken sets, or as close to possible as unbroken. For the majority of the gym, you are strong enough to do the thrusters unbroken. Do them! You will get some rest, so push your threshold....Read More
We are going to start working in some accessory work. Don’t worry about going heavy on this stuff. Keep it light, has great range of motion, and keep your core tight. Today’s WOD will be like 11.1 and 14.1 on steroids. Enjoy! Workout of the Day Masters Games Workout 4 Rounds 50 Double Unders 15...Read More
This week we will be back squatting on Wednesday, snatching a few times, and just having all around strong lifty fun. You will notice that we have emphasized the JUMP part of box jumps for Monday’s WOD. If you need to, grab a smaller box than usual and jump on that. We can stack plates...Read More
CrossFit at 9 and 10. Get it on! Workout of the Day AMRAP 20 Parking Lot Run 10 Pushups 30 Doubleunders Parking Lot Run 10 Power Cleans 135/95Read More
There are still MANY spots left for Summer Slam – if you are planning on competing, please sign up ASAP so we can put on the best event for you. Friday’s WOD will be a good trainer for event 1 of the competition. ALSO tomorrow night at 7:30pm we will be hosting a LipSense party...Read More
Thursday’s workout is pure CrossFit, straight from the fountain of fitness. This workout was posted on the mains and is too good not to give a whirl. The workout is easily scalable – it is squat, gymnastics push and weightlifting pull. So, adjust the HSPU to your ability level and scale the deadlift to something...Read More
Workout of the Day Strength Push Press 5-3-3-1-1-1-1-1 Conditioning AMRAP 12 9 Toes To Bar 11 Box Jump and Overs 24/20 9 Single Arm DB Push Press Right 9 Single Arm DB Push Press Left Read More
Above is a KB weighted walk. Simple. Tuesday will be a test that comes from the world up north. Those Canadian fitness freaks (who relocated to Arizona like 4 years ago) at OPT, now OPEX, came up with this on. They call it the Battery test. Basically, how quickly does your battery recharge when doing...Read More