Getting with Fran

More “Fran” training.  Couple of thoughts…
This is Fran with some built in rest.  The hope is that you do unbroken sets, or as close to possible as unbroken. 
For the majority of the gym, you are strong enough to do the thrusters unbroken.  Do them! You will get some rest, so push your threshold.
If you know you can do these unbroken, do them as fast as possible.  Heave out of the bottom of the squat, punch the bar overhead, and pull the bar back down.
Transition quickly!  In the 3 resting sets, try to grab the pullup bar IMMEDIATELY after dropping the bar.
In the sets of 6-5-4, there is no built in rest, but the sets are small.  Batten down the hatches and bring the storm.
If you plan on doing the scaled version as Summer Slam, give the RX thrusters a try on Wednesday.  Go ahead an sub out the pull ups with a KB and swing away. 

Great job by Coach Brad this evening in the 5:30pm class! Welcome to the team!

Workout of the Day
Back Squat
Use 75-80% of 1RM for all 3 sets
11 Thrusters 95/65
11 Pullups
Rest 1
10 Thrusters
10 Pullups
Rest 1
9 Thrusters
9 Pullups
Rest 1
6-5-4 Rep rounds of