CFO Braggin’ time 2 CrossFit Oakdale teams trekked out to CrossFit Walnut Creek to participate in a Row-a-thon (90 minutes of rowing, approved with 8 skill events mixed in) to raise funds for the family of Ericlee Gilmore. I’ve talked about Ericlee before – he was a great man that died far too young from...Read More
We are sending two teams of 4 people each up to CrossFit Walnut Creek for the Row-A-Thon. Best wishes to Janet, this Micayla, Trevor, Jake, Thomas, Krista Messer, Jen C, and Brian! 9am “Heather” Run 800m 5RFT 12 Chest to Bar Pullups 9 Squat Snatches 95/65 6 Strict Handstand Pushups Run 800m 20 Burpees Modifications...Read More
If you can make it on Sunday from 1-2pm, cost we will be having special “gymnasty” skill clinic. If you are working on those HSPU to get ready for Franniversary you won’t want to miss it! An event will be posted on Facebook – please RSVP there (if you can make it, view not just...Read More
The second announced WOD for the Fran-niversary is AMRAP 5 Perform as many Clean and Jerks as possible in the 5 minute period Elite 135/95 Open 95/65 You may break the work however you choose. Workout of the Day “Ann-abel” 50 Doubleunders 10 Snatch 135/95 40 Doubleunders 8 Snatch 30 Doubleunders 6 Snatch 20 Doubleunders...Read More
The First WOD to be announced of the Fran-niversary is: Elite Division AMRAP 5 9 Thruster 95/65 9 Pullups 15 Thruster 15 Pullups 21 Thruster 21 Pullups 27 Thruster 27 Pullups 33 Thruster 33 Pullups… Keep going up by 6 Open Division 9 Thruster 75/45 9 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 15 Thruster 15 Kettlebell Swings 21...Read More
Tuesday is Veteran’s Day – the day we remember those that have fought in the wars of the United States. I just spent a few days at my alma mater, there The Citadel where I got to hang out with some amazing veterans. I’m proud to call these guys (and now girls, although we didn’t...Read More
Another fun and inspiring event in the books! Sunday night was the CrossFit Games Invitation in San Jose. 4 teams of Athletes from around the world – USA, tadalafil Canada, Europe and Australia – competed in a 2 hour showdown of max effort weightlifting, legless rope climbing, tire flipping and more (including the worm). You...Read More
Brian may have left the time zone, ask but he did NOT leave us in the lurch. We are not without a challenging WOD to keep us busy. 9am will be doing an abbreviated version and 10 am gets the whole shebang. “East Coast Championships Online Qualifier” AMRAP 5 10 Barbell Facing Burpees 15 Thrusters...Read More