
John and Sarah represented CFO at the CrossFit Sav-Up 1 year anniversary WOD & Party. John got a Grace PR at 2:26 and then went on to win the heavy sled push at 285#. He is bringing home a peg board for his efforts. Way to go John! Registration opens tomorrow for the Franniversary on...
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CrossFit at 9 and 10 This was suggested by Denny.  There will be a time cap – 20 minutes or so… Workout of the Day Row 750m 5 Rounds  15 Deadlift 275/185 30 Wallball Shots 20/14 Row 750m
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Flexible Dieting Leaves Room For Doughnuts from CBSNews.  For WLCers out there, ed maybe save this read for 55 days from now. Workout of the Day Strength/Skill 4 Heavy sets of 2 Power Cleans 2 Hang Cleans 2 Jerks Like the Snatch Complex, visit web make this work for you.  Take 10 minutes or so...
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We might all move differently, order but in the end we all have the same goal. Fitness. Our goal might be specific to sport – maybe you play in a softball or basketball league. You may be competing for the CrossFit Games. Maybe you just want to be able to pick yourself up off the...
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Incredible numbers were put up on the CrossFit Total.  A big cheer for John L, health who broke the 1000 pound barrier 345/187/470.  Not close behind were strong men Matt, Nick G and Big Man Bob.  Melissa and Anna each put up near 700# totals with tons of PRs thrown in.  Rachelle had a 135#...
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Following the CrossFit Total, clinic be aware of your soreness levels, especially your lower back.  Personally, I have experienced back tightness following the Total, as you have just gone to the strength well 3 times.  We are going to keep the heavy lifting not quite so heavy this week.  We will intro the new Clean...
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For the 23 members of the Whole Life Challenge, medications week 1 brings changes in many daily habits. They are changing their diet, cure adding in exercise, treatment mobility, supplementation and hydration. The last two parts deal with reflection and a lifestyle challenge. The lifestyle challenge will change every week. They got hit with MEDITATION...
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Tomorrow is the Lift Up Autism Fundraiser at 9am. We will be doing a quick little finisher after the fundraiser if you want to stick around for Saturday morning fun.  You can still sign up online tonight or online at the gym tomorrow. The t-shirts  are awesome as usual and the money will go to...
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Paleo or Zone from CrossFit Invictus.  As we begin the Whole Life Challenge, page which is a Paleo challenge, I recommend keeping an eye on Zone portions.  Whether you are an experienced Zone eater or you have only heard of the Zone through some of the WLC sessions, do yourself a favor and re-familiarize yourself...
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If you are stuck, clinic stagnated or just in a rut you might have realized that things need to change. Maybe 7 habits in your life need to change. We are coming up on our Whole Life Challenge. It starts September 19th and will run over the 8 weeks to follow. There are three different...
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