Zero Week

Following the CrossFit Total, clinic be aware of your soreness levels, especially your lower back.  Personally, I have experienced back tightness following the Total, as you have just gone to the strength well 3 times.  We are going to keep the heavy lifting not quite so heavy this week.  We will intro the new Clean and Jerk and Snatch Complexes that we will be using for the next 4 weeks on Wednesday and Friday.  This will be Zero week for the Strength cycle, meaning it won’t count, or it really will be 5 weeks or, well, I don’t know what Zero Week means.  It’s an extra week of lifting.  In the Army, they always put an extra week on the front end of a training cycle and called it Zero Week.  It usually meant you stood around a lot and it sucked.  This won’t suck, because lifting heavy never sucks.  Next week, when the cycle starts, we will add a Deadlift and Front Squat day.

We had quite a long post last night on meditation.  I started a daily meditation practice about 6 months ago.  I do 20 minutes in the morning and 20 minutes in the evening.  I use Headpace, and I pick a pack and do it to completion.  I repeat every session, once in the morning shortly after waking, and once in the evening before bed.  I have not missed a day since I started, and I have no plans to do so.  I have recommended meditation to many friends, specifically the Headspace app.  Some have used it, some have not – that’s fine.  But I have one observation: the people that say they can’t spare 10 minutes a day to sit and do nothing are likely the ones that need to spend 10 minutes a day sitting and doing nothing the most.  I know I was.

** We will be fancy-ing up the kids room over the next few weeks. For safety sake let’s keep the kids in there while you get your sweat on. Soccer season is in full force, so there are people flying through the parking lot and strangers wandering around. We want to keep the kids safe. If you are working out with little ones that may not understand “no kids on the black mats” please position yourself at the back of the class so you can quickly attend to them. Thanks in advance!


Workout of the Day


Parking Lot Run

16 Shoulder to Overhead 75/45

Parking Lot Run

8 Toes to Bar