9am and 10am (advanced) Workout of the Day For Time 25′ Hand Stand Walk* 100 Double Unders 25′ Hand Stand Walk 50 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 25′ Hand Stand Walk 50 Chest To Bar Pullups 25′ Hand Stand Walk 50 Wall Ball Shots 25′ Hand Stand Walk 100 Double Unders 25′ Hand Stand Walk *Step...Read More
I know there has been some discussion about what we are doing today. “Grace” is: For Time 30 Clean & Jerks 135/95 “Heavy Grace” is…What? There is no such thing as “Heavy Grace.” Maybe you consider the 2008 CrossFit Games 30 squat clean and jerks 155/100 as “Heavy Grace.” Many CrossFit gyms have called different...Read More
So, purchase Alison suggested the benchmark girl “Annie” this week. It’s a great workout, online but with the level of fitness at CFO, for sale Annie, even if done at face melting intensity, is basically a cash out. So I’ve made some additions. There is an option for GHD Annie – it is not 1...Read More
Are you having fun yet? This will be a fun little split WOD for you. Want to help us raise some $$ with a FUN 2 person team competition? Teams can be Scaled (Male/Male, drug Female/Female or COED) or RX (Male/Male, sale Female/Female). The cost is $99 per team and the proceeds will be going...Read More
We are going to do some fun workouts this week. We won’t do any programmed strength training. Just FUN CrossFit style workouts. I am going to warn you, prostate we have obnoxiously Heavy Grace later on this week. Think about using the weight you used in the every 20 seconds workout for 30 reps for...Read More
11:30am Whole Life Challenge KickOff Party! 9am will be a partner WOD AMRAP 5 Row for Calories Push Jerks 115/75 You can switch as many times as you want in 5 minutes. After this we will finish with the WLC WOD AMRAP 10 5 Burpees 15 Air Squats 10am will do the same with a...Read More
A reminder the Whole Life Challenge workout is Saturday at 11:30am. Kickoff the WLC with a kick-ass burner. I do not want to get into anymore car accidents or have any more surgery, search but the generosity from CFO has me thinking it might be worth it. Just kidding. My fridge is full of all...Read More
I’ve had the opportunity to participate in some incredible training in my life: CrossFit, drugs wrestling, what is ed law enforcement, pill military, aside from all my school learning – but honestly, a BA in History? No that impressive. It’s rare that you get to go to training, that when it’s going on, you are...Read More
So, treat it’s been a busy couple of days for our family. We are all home now and looking forward to some active recovery with Netflix (Narcos Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell). In the past couple of days we have dealt with first responders, emergency rooms and surgery and everything else in between. We have...Read More