What a Long, Strange Trip It's Been

So, treat it’s been a busy couple of days for our family.  We are all home now and looking forward to some active recovery with Netflix (Narcos Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell).  In the past couple of days we have dealt with first responders, emergency rooms and surgery and everything else in between.  We have all been handled so professionally, but I know I speak for Alison when I say we are glad that is all over and we are glad to be home.
I’m not sure we can ever properly say thank you for all the kind words and deeds over the last few days.  Our family and friends at CFO have gone above and beyond over and over again.  We may need to lean on you for a few more days, but like MacArthur said – we shall return!
Workout of the Day
Clean and Jerk
In 25 minutes build to a heavy single
With a 10 minute clock
Perform 1 Clean and Jerk every :20
If you cannot keep this pace, this will become an AMRAP.  This is a total of 30 Reps.  Notice there is no weight on the board.  This should be heavy – 70% of 1RM of your Clean and Jerk in a good starting point.  I suggest you use the weight from your Clean and Press complex for this work.  Next week, we will do Heavy Grace, 30 Heavy Clean and Jerks, which is a version of this workout for time.

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