Obnoxiously Heavy Grace

I know there has been some discussion about what we are doing today. 
“Grace” is:
For Time
30 Clean & Jerks 135/95
“Heavy Grace” is…What? There is no such thing as “Heavy Grace.” Maybe you consider the 2008 CrossFit Games 30 squat clean and jerks 155/100 as “Heavy Grace.” Many CrossFit gyms have called different versions of “Heavy Grace.” BUT if crossfit.com hasn’t named it, it ain’t “Heavy Grace.” 
What we are going to do is 30 heavy Clean & Jerks. I am not going to set an RX designated weight. But the number I would shoot for is 225/155. This is an extreme number and it should challenge you from the first rep onward. You will need to pick YOUR  heavy Grace weight. I would recommend 70% of your 1RM Clean & Jerk. If you did the on the 20 second work last week, use the same weight, but try and speed it up this time.
Workout of the Day
For Time
30 Heavy Clean & Jerks*
*70% of your 1RM recommended weight 225/155 (you’ve gotta have goals)

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