Wednesday’s workout is one we have never done before. It’s 15 minutes of…running. Relax homies, help it’s spread over 30 minutes. You will run to and from the 400m point as many times as possible in 30 second periods. Run as fast and far as you can for 30 seconds, then rest for 30. During...Read More
We spent Monday below parallel. We’ll spend Tuesday upside down. I cut the Handstand work from a 10 minute session to a 5 minute session, information pills because we will do, as you say in NorCal, hella HSPU. Workout of the Day Gymnastics Strength/Skill Handstand Progression OTM 5 30 second work, 30 second rest Conditioning...Read More
Monday is a re-test of the WLC workout. I’m calling it “Phone Booth” because you could almost do it in a phone booth. You CAN do this workout practically anywhere – a hotel room, adiposity your office, a park, a beach, you name it. Put this one in you back pocket it you need to...Read More
Saturday morning will be an event for EVERYONE! We are looking forward to a fun game day:) We will have our two competitive teams go and then other athletes work while they rest. Workout of the Day 4 Minutes to find a Max Hang Clean Then AMRAP 2 Max Effort Double Unders/Single Unders REST AMRAP...Read More
On Friday we will be doing “Bradshaw” for our Veteran’s Day Hero WOD. Class will be at 9am ONLY. Hero WOD’s are typically longer and harder than other named WOD’s. You can choose to enjoy the length or you can modify, nurse just like all of our workouts. From U.S. Army First Lieutenant Brian...Read More
In todays strength/skill session, view you will take 15 minutes to perform the 3 position Snatch – from the low to the high (Position 3, Position 2 (above or below the knee, then Position 1.5 (mid thigh). This is not a ton of time – treat the 3 position drill as a warm up. Make...Read More
Workout of the Day Gymnastics Strength/Skill OTM 10 5 Strict Pullups 5 Dips Conditioning For time Row 1k, more about then 10 Rounds 30 Doubleunders 10 Hand Release Pushups Read More
Friday is Veteran’s Day. We will do a Hero workout at 9am ONLY (no 5:30am or pm classes) Workout of the Day Gymnastics Strength/Skill OTM 10 Handstand Work 30 seconds 30 second rest Conditioning 3 RFT 10 Clean and Jerk 135/95 50 SitupsRead More
Exciting week for these United States. Exercise your right to vote. At CrossFit Oakdale, side effects we will begin exercising our legs by beginning an 8 week Back Squat build. It will be very simple – build to a heavy set of 3. Use sets of 3 to get there. Each week, approved add 5...Read More
CrossFit at 9am and 10am. I’m sure we can come up with some heavy lifting or something fun following the workout at 10. Workout of the Day AMRAP 15 25 Pullups 50 Calories on the Rower 100 Overhead Squats 45/35 50 Box Jumps 24/20 25 PullupsRead More