3 Position

In todays strength/skill session, view you will take 15 minutes to perform the 3 position Snatch – from the low to the high (Position 3, Position 2 (above or below the knee, then Position 1.5 (mid thigh).  This is not a ton of time – treat the 3 position drill as a warm up.  Make every attempt to receive the bar in an overhead squat position.
You can do the 3 Position drill generally any way you, or the coach chooses.  You can start from high to low, or low to high.  For a long time, we have done high to low.  Let’s give low to high a try.
Workout of the Day
3 Position Snatch
15 minutes to build to a heavy-ish weight
7 Overhead Squat 155/100
14 Toes to Bar
7 Bar Facing Burpees
From CrossFit Mayhem