This workout comes from the mind of Pat Sherwood. In a recent instagram post, he explained he was about to do the classic workout Karen, 150 wall ball shots for time. He decided to be barbell thrusters in reps of 20 , 19, 18, on down to 11.
Pat did discuss the challenge – try to do your sets on the minute (OTM.)
That is 155 reps with a 45#/33# barbell. We will do this workout outside. PLEASE- PLEASE-PLEASE do not drop the barbells. FYI barbells were cleaned this weekend. There are towels by them if they need another wipe down.
If this seems too easy*, give it a try at 75/55. LOL good luck.
We will squat again on Thursday
*Hey – remember all of those time you thought the workout on the board. looked easy…

Workout of the Day
Unbroken Thrusters 45/33