
We have small challenge with big consequences tomorrow!!! We will do a workout – as many burpees as possible in 5 minutes.  CrossFit Oakdale will match the top burpee score with $1 per burpee and the top burpee athlete will choose which coach bucket the money goes towards. So, if you do 105 Burpees, and...
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“Some people exercise their bodies. I exercise my patience.”  U.S. Bates I was discussing this line from a 1980’s movie, The Toy.  The Toy starred Jackie Gleason, who played U.S. Bares,  a newspaper owner and Richard Pryor, who played a reporter that befriended his son, played by Scottie Schwartz. Schwartz also became famous for getting...
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Katie and Damon might be the nicest, most well mannered people to grace our doors. But you say 3…2…1… go and they are there to cash checks and snap necks. Enjoy this little insight into their lives courtesy of Coach Tricia.  SPOTLIGHT ATHLETES at CFO How long have you been a member at CFO? D...
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Big shout of to June who went up and competed in the Johnny 232 WOD at CrossFit Sonora! All of that at a different elevation makes her way more fit! Great job June!!   There is one more week of the Healthy Living Challenge. If you have kept away from the three foods you put...
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Happy Saturday! See ya in the AM. Don’t forget your change for the coaches burpee jar! Workout of the Day 3 Pullups 3 Thrusters 95/65 3 Toes to Bar 3 Thrusters 6 Pullups 6 Thrusters 95/65 6 Toes to Bar 6 Thrusters 9 Pullups 9 Thrusters 95/65 9 Toes to Bar 9 Thrusters 12 Pullups...
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He never left, but he looks great! Workout of the Day OTM 30 Min 1 – Power Cleans 135/95 Min 2 – Doubleunders Min 3 – Row for Calories Work 30/Rest 30 Score is your total number of reps
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Warrior Romwod happening in the morning at 8:15am – be there, get flexy and prepped for the WOD! Workout of the Day OTM 7 Handstand work – 25 seconds on 35 seconds off If possible do 1, 2, or 3 handstand pushups and then hold. The focus is on Handstand Press and NOT walking Conditioning...
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Our final batch of first rounders has been decided.  Here goes! Rudy, perhaps the greatest underdog movie ever, smashed Rodney Dangerfield, who never got no respect, and Jonathan Brandeis of Ladybugs. Rudy, the great underdog, will take on perhaps the greatest front runner of all time, Steve Prefontaine, from Without Limits in the next round....
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*** Tuesday – NO ROMWOD or OPEN GYM. There will be a makeup ROMWOD on Friday*** Let’s celebrate Breast Cancer Awareness Month with raising lots of $$$ for Barbells for Boobs! Every dollar you donate goes to a coach doing a burpee. So far Jess and Brian are in the lead…$6 had been donated to...
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We will be doing handstand work and snatching on Thursday.  Today is the last day to sign up for the Franniversary competition on December 1st at the early bird pricing of $100 per team. Pricing goes up to $120 per team tomorrow! Coaches are being picked up as partners for the Barbells For Boobs Event...
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