When people see things and ask for them… we like to oblige. WORKOUT OF THE DAY SKILL OTM 10 ALTERNATING 8 Wall Ball Shots 25/20 12 Wall Ball Shots 20/14 Conditioning “Smoking Pistol” 5 RFT 5 Burpee Deadlifts 155/100 5 Burpee Power Cleans 155/100Read More
Workout of the Day 5 Rounds for fastest and slowest time 5 Handstand Pushups 10 Kettlebell Swings 53/35 15 Box Jumps 24/20 10 Kettlebell Swings 5 Handstand Pushups Rest until the 4 minute mark. Rounds go every 4 minutes after. If it takes you 2.5 minutes you will have 1.5 minutes to rest before the...Read More
Elementary School WOD 1 Rowing: The monitor on the rower must be set to zero at the beginning of each row. The athlete may have assistance resetting the monitor. The athlete must stay seated on the rower until the monitor reads the appropriate calories for that round. After each row, there is a barbell complex...Read More
So, every Wednesday, we have been doing thruster workouts. Every Tuesday, we have been doing pull-ups and dips. We will still do dips Tuesday, but we will move the pull-ups to Wednesday. On Wednesday, we will do a short duration, high power output workout with thrusters and pull-ups. If you can do big sets, and...Read More
Well, somethings didn’t go as planned… Last week, I really thought the pullup/DU workout would be a reasonable ask. It was a little much – I think the heat played a major factor in the bar being hot, and we had multiple rips in the evening classes. Me included. Then, I have to admit I...Read More
A preview of Linda by Chris Spealler, maybe the greatest pound for pound CrossFit athlete ever. Workout of the Day OTM 10 10 Wallball Shots 25/20 Conditioning 12 minute alternating OTM As many calories on the rower in 45 seconds Rest 15 seconds As many feet as you can walk on your hands in 45...Read More
It will be very hot again. Please hydrate well and perform hand care. We still need to get on the bar, but I want to do what we can to take care not to rip. Workout of the Day 12 rounds 5 Bar Muscle Ups (Rounds 1, 4, 7 and 10) For 1 minute perform...Read More
On Saturday we will perform Linda. If you are going at 9, we will do a scaled version with pushups substituted for bench press. For Linda, you perform the workout of 10 down to 1 with deadlift at 1.5 bodyweight, bench at bodyweight and squat cleans at .75 body weight. That means 3 bars, and...Read More
Candlestick maker! Last week, the inverted burpee was a fun variation. For many folks, the easy part was getting into the handstand. The hard part was getting up efficiently. We are going to work them into the weekly push/pull EMOM. For the most, do 3 OTM. Even doing 1 or 2 may help. Bottom line...Read More
We are 4 weeks into our current 8 week cycle. Same program, deadlift on Monday, push/pull on Tuesday, thrusters on Wednesday and wall balls on Friday. It will be hot this week, each day over 100 degrees. Stay hydrated – we will work in rest so you can bask in your own man and/or woman...Read More