Two great posts from Freddy C of CrossFit One World in Union City, sildenafil CA. SLAP tears. I had not heard the term SLAP tears before, but I think I’ve heard the symptoms. The shoulder joint is an incredible thing, and we demand a lot from it in sport. I’m going to research this more. ...Read More
It is funny to say our website has been tinkered with already when we have only been open for a month. If you have been in the gym this week you will notice that paint has been going up on the walls. It has been said it takes a village to raise a child, cheap...Read More
I found this CrossFit poem on CrossFit LA last night. It articulates pretty damn well why I love CrossFit. I look around and I see all the ways that people here train. Some are here twice a week, no rx some are here twice a day. Some beat their head against a wall, prostate some...Read More
Please watch the CrossFit Journal article “Why We Get Fat” by Gary Taubes. Taubes is the author of, # 100mg in my opinion, # 60mg the best book on nutrition available, try “Good Calories, Bad Calories” (GCBC). Taubes recently wrote “Why We Get Fat“, which I have not read. GCBC is a science book about...Read More
CrossFit Oakdale hopes you had a restful and merry Christmas! We’ll resume classes on Monday. We’ll have CrossFit classes at 9am, health 5:30 and 6:30pm, more about with open gym at 4:30pm. There will be no 6am class on Monday, but we plan on having 6am classes on Wednesday and Friday. If schedules are still...Read More
Thank you to everyone who came out for our first Christmas WOD and Potluck. Great work out and even better food and drink! Thank you to everyone who brought food to share. My favorite part of the night was looking around and seeing so many people wearing CrossFit Oakdale Sweatshirts, symptoms sharing food and stories....Read More
Hey there…the tone of this post may seem a little different…this is Alison and my first official “what is on my mind” post for CrossFit Oakdale. So here we go. What I have seen in the past few weeks has blown my mind. We have some amazing members and I am proud to workout with...Read More
On Tuesday, erectile I lost the Christmas cookie battle. I will live again to fight another day, but I wanted to share my experiences. I have exactly been crushing nutrition recently. It’s cold, produce isn’t as exciting this time of year, I’ve done some traveling and attended parties. All these factors have led to some...Read More
CrossFit Oakdale is looking forward to our “Twas the Night before the Night Before Christmas”. We plan on doing the Throwdown Series “12 Nights of Christmas WOD”. FYI – this one is a TAD complicated. Ok, website it’s complicated, but it’s fun, with a ton of movement. I ran through it Monday, and I would...Read More
CrossFit Strong by Freddy C of CrossFit One World. I like how Freddy puts high end strength numbers in perspective. I heard a similar story from Josh Everett about a weight lifter from the Olympic team who got out of breath walking up two flights of stairs. I’ll be the first to admit that I don’t...Read More