
Hey there…the tone of this post may seem a little different…this is Alison and my first official “what is on my mind” post for CrossFit Oakdale. So here we go.
What I have seen in the past few weeks has blown my mind. We have some amazing members and I am proud to workout with all of you. The positive attitudes that have walked through our rollup door are ones that I am learning to feed off of. I love the spirit of “It is FREEZING but 3.2.1 GO!” Then it turns out it is not as cold as we thought. Multiple times in the dark didn’t stop us either. We are people who don’t stop because something has changed. We don’t take a step back when things get tough. We push through the pain to enjoy the pleasure of a job well done, cost knowing we pushed beyond what we may have stopped at alone. The community we are building together  is what drives us. We sure are something when we are together.
Click here for some community inspiration. Thanks to Ashly F. for finding this.
Come join us for some Christmas love tomorrow night from 5pm-7pm. The WOD  starts at 5pm, and party to kickoff right after.

Brandon T.

9am class:

Sectional WOD# 1

10 Min AMRAP

30 doubleunders

15 Snatches 75/55

5pm Holiday WOD

Partner WOD with running, relatively light thrusters and pushups. Merry Christmas!

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